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I'm writing this part while listening to isabellas lullaby on a one hour look and its wonderful, straight-up jamming:)


-your pov-

 my due date is anytime now and I'm anxiously waiting for the pain to be over and for this dang child to be out of me, I lay on my bed at stare up at the ceiling while Levi types rapidly on his laptop

"do you remember when a bunch of girls wanted to fight me because I had stolen the hottest guy in school?" I randomly chime

he just nods his head and continues to work, I sighed then stood up and walked over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders, I peer at what he's doing "what's that" I ask him

"work" he replies sarcastically 

"no shit dumbass" I laugh and walked away, as I reach the door I felt a sharp pain and collapse to the floor, Levi immediately jumps up and runs to me 

"Are you ok" he yells

i look down to see a puddle of water...oh fuck I shake my head, Levi picks me up and carry me to the car, he rests me in the back seat and quickly goes to the front seat and calls Furlan

"Furlan y/n went into labor can you and Isabel grab some stuff from our house and take it to the hospital?" he says to him

Isabel pov-

"what was that?" I ask Furlan

"y/ns in labor and Levi needs us to grab stuff and take it to the hospital" my eye widened in shock

"well, what are we waiting for?" I yell and grab kou and ran to the car, Furlan follows, we drive to their house anxiously, once arrived we ran to the door and unlocked it with the spare key he had given us, we ran to the room grabbed things we thought they would need and rushed back into the car, we tried to get to the hospital but traffic was terrible, we were both freaking out, my birth was bad enough and kou was in a cranky ass mood today so this was great, when we finally got to the hospital we couldn't find anywhere to park, Furlan grunts in frustration and honestly I don't blame him I'm worried and angry too, after looking for 10 minutes we finally found a spot, I took us just 30 minutes to get here, all I could think about was y/n and prayed for the best, we had to wait in the waiting room since y/n was in the middle of getting the child out of her

Furlan rests his hand on my shakey one "she'll be fine she is strong" Furlan says reassuring me, I smile and nod relieving some of my stress, after about an hour Levi walks out he seemed stressed but happy "how is she" Furlan asked

"shes asleep right now," he says "you can come in the room if you want," Levi tells us, we both immediately jump up, I grab kou and we walk to her room, I see her she sweaty and asleep, I sigh with relief, shes much worse than I maybe cause of how small she is after awhile she wakes up and I run-up to her to see if she's ok, she gives me a smile and I gently hug her

-your pov-

i wake up to Isabel hugging me, I felt comfortable, she pulls away and I look towards Levi, I smile at him and hold my arms out telling him to hug me, he gets up and comes to me and hugs me, I felt him smile in the hug making me cry tears of joy, I pull from the hug and look at him tears in my eyes, he wipes my tears from my eyes and gives me a smile, he pecks my lips and went to sit back down, we wait and 5 minutes later the nurse walks in holding my new baby girl, I smile holding in my tears as she hands me her, I look down at her, her eyes aren't even open, I could tell she looked much more like Levi did which made me smile, Levi walks up next to me to look at our child, I look up at him and see him smiling, Levi usually doesn't smile this much, I love it.

"awe" Isabel says "so do you guys have a name?" she asks me, I smile and look down at her, I shake my head

"fay," I say with a smile

"We both have unique names for our children," Furlan says to Levi both of them smirking, Levi strokes the back of my hair and leans in, and kisses my forehead

"I can't this is too adorable," Isabel says in awe "big bro did you ever expect to be here?" Isabel says to Levi

he smiles and shakes his head no "but I am happier than ever" he says making the tears I was holding him spill from my eyes

"I love you all," I say tears still falling my eyes, I kiss fays forehead and smile wiping my tears

-time skip-

I had to stay in the hospital all night, Levi never left my side


we finally had the clear to leave, I had my fay in my arms as we walked out I had a smile plastered on my face the whole time, I sat fay in the car seat, I sat next to her not taking my eyes off her, she had fallen asleep, once we got to the house I picked her up and carried her into the house, I reached her room and placed her into her crib, Levi came up behind me and rested his hand on my shoulder, I turned to look and him and smiled, she returned a small one and kissed my lips, but was interrupted by fays crying, I jerk my head and run straight to her picking up, her screams were loud, I rocked her back and forth until she stopped crying, I was told to only give her bottles, Levi came back into the room with one and gave it to me, I sit down and feed her smiling the whole time, I looked at levi who was nelt in from of me "I don't want another one" I luagh "that was hella painful" I add

"I agree to ones enough for me" he stands up and kisses my forehead "looks like we have a family now," he says 

"All we need to do is get married" I smile "I really wish my parents were here to see this" I lose my smile 

"I do too" Levi," says

"But I'm glad I have you, and if you dare leave me I will hunt you down" I joke but give him a death glare

"tch, I wouldn't leave you y/n" he kisses me again

"good" I laugh

I have a wonderful soon-to-be husband and a wonderful baby girl. I have great friends Isabel has a child, hange just got engaged to moblit, eren and Mikasa are most likely going to be soon, and Annie and Armin should be as well, we really are growing up, time really flies


1223 words

I'm sorry if you don't really like the name fay, I went with it because I really adore that name and I thought it was adorable, if you don't like it please don't hate on me for it, just simply don't read anymore<3

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