Chapter Two: Lukas Locks Himself Away

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Lukas had been paranoid all night, he didn't have a hard time staying up, but he had been weirdly sick to his stomach. He knew it wasn't paranoia, since they had made sure that it was hard to find their home, and he had confidence in their protection. Lukas just assumed maybe he needed sleep, but laying down only made it worse. Then of course his headache was still there and now even a little more painful to deal with. Lukas had stayed up almost the entire night trying to not be sick, which was quite the task. He had to once or twice, rushing himself to the washroom. But since he didn't exactly eat much, he mostly dry heaved and gagged, which woke the other members of the house up multiple times. When morning arrived, everyone went downstairs for breakfast, and Lukas was very tired, practically falling asleep at the table, despite how much his stomach hurt.
"Vampires don't get sick.." he managed to mutter at one point. "Our immune system is too good for that..."
Mathias looked over at Lukas, frowning. "Well then what's wrong? Are you dying or something?" He asked, shoving a piece of bacon into his mouth. Lukas gave him a quick glare before getting up and leaving the table to go back to his room. So that meant Mathias would just interrogate Emil. "So do you know what's wrong with him?"
Emil looked up from stabbing at the little bit of food on his plate, just some raw deer meat he had gotten out of the fridge, shrugging. "No. For all we know yeah, he's dying, but you seem to forget I was raised outside of the coven, with wolves. I hardly know anything about my own people, Lukas knows more than I do."
Berwald finished eating and then shook his head. "Didn't hear a thing.." he said in his usual expressionless tone. Tino chuckled.
"Because you sleep like a rock!"
Peter added on to that and Berwald nodded, picking up Peter to go and get him dressed for the day. Emil felt Tino's eyes on him, and then Mathias, so he just put his fork down and got up to leave the dining room. Checking on Lukas, he told them.

When Emil got upstairs, he opened the door to Lukas and Mathias's room, walking in and sitting on the bed by his brother. "So you're accepting death I see." Emil said, as a joke, but from his tone it was hard to tell that's what it was.
Lukas looked up at him and scoffed. "You could say. Emil, we're high bloods, we have a very hard time not being ok. We never get sick, in fact there's only two reasons as to why we would. The first would be death and the other.. the other is dumb, but it leads to death if you aren't careful with it.."
Emil pushed hair out of his face. "What's the second?"
"It's nothing. Stupid like I said."

Emil nodded. If Lukas didn't want to talk about it then he really had no choice than to let it go. He couldn't help but think about how this caused him to know nothing about his own kind, but he hated pressing on knowing damn well Lukas would just say it's nothing until he stopped asking. Emil did want to learn more about his people, it was something he knew he wanted to do for a long time running now..
But now Emil knew another vampire. Someone who grew up in the coven! It was almost like destiny that they had met, Emil could feel it. He knew it in every inch of his body that Leon was the answer to everything! So Emil got up, trying to be as calm as possible, to go and get his clothes on to leave. But after he started to walk, his feet felt as though they were glued to the floor, and he couldn't move at all.
"Stop.." Lukas said, his hand up in Emil's direction. "You seem eager to go? Where is it you're going?" He asked.
Emil scoffed and shook his head. "My room. I don't want to stay in your room any longer than I have to, Mathias smells gross." Emil told Lukas, and was then released, as if Lukas was too tired to figure things out. Emil just slowly left the room and went to his own.

Lukas was in fact too tired to try. He put a hand on his head, his brows furrowed. What was he supposed to do about this feeling? Right now he felt absolutely horrible, and it was starting to come across to him as possible signs of death. Lukas wasn't old enough to die though, he should have gone on living for a very long time after this. And he had to protect Emil, he promised to himself that he would protect and care for his brother, that he would keep the horrible coven a distant story. But right now Emil was curious, and Lukas had very suddenly fallen quite ill. And then the other possibility. It was racing Lukas's mind, making him ponder what would happen if that was the situation. If it was, it would be silly, and Lukas wouldn't know what to do with himself, how he would inform the others that this was all some big misunderstanding and he would be better in no time! There was a cure for that, and it could be deadly, but it would work. Then of course this was a serious problem if it's own, but still it felt silly to think of it happening.
Lukas sighed and sat up, his stomach once again bothering him greatly. He put a hand on his leg, taking in one deep breath, and then slowly exhaling, repeating this a few times before he couldn't hold back any longer and had to dash for the washroom, once again resuming his dry heaving.


Emil knew very well his idea to go see a guy he was told not to was bad from the start. But Emil needed some answers and this guy may have some. Leon was raised in the city, in the coven, and so Emil knew he would get a good answer to why his brother was so suddenly sick, even though he was a high blood. Emil couldn't have his brother dead, it would leave him without any sort of vampire in his life. So if Emil could by himself or with another vampire figure it out, then it could mean saving his brother.
It was a bit of a struggle to find out where Leon was in the first place. But eventually, after checking every place, he found a familiar face in an alley, drawing in the snow. Emil took a deep breath and walked into the alley, sitting down on the box by him and looking at the snow. There wasn't much to look at, Leon's art sucked. But Emil took off his protective gear and locked eyes with his friend. "I need your help, Leon."
The golden-eyed boy smirked and leaned against the wall. "Oh yeah? What about?"
"You know I'm not from the coven. I don't know hardly anything really about vampires and... and my brother is sick.." Emil looked down.
"Oh, well.. that sucks. I've never been sick. Don't think dad has either. But when it comes to lower blood vampires, I suppose-"
"Lukas and I are high bloods, Leon. We don't get sick. He could be dying! He says there are two reasons he could be sick, and he won't tell me what the other one is, just that the first reason is death!"
Leon was silent. He.. well this wasn't something he understood too well. "Uhhh.. well, I'm not too sure either. My father only tells me about the low bloods. Not much about high bloods.." Leon had to rack his brain for a moment. "Oh but hey! I know this fun fact about high bloods, maybe it'll be useful for you."


Mathias had been worrying all day for Lukas. He had been shaking, scratching, eating. Anything he picks try to get his mind off of his boyfriend. Berwald tried to help, but it failed, so Tino invited Mathias in to help make dinner, as it was getting to be later in the evening. What Mathias was looking forward to was dinner, since maybe then Lukas would come down and eat, and then he would feel better! But when the sun started to come down, and Peter came inside all cold to get cuddled up and warmed by the fire, Lukas wasn't feeling any better. In fact at the moment he was even less willing to come downstairs. Mathias had tried to visit him earlier but Lukas had locked the door and stopped responding for a bit, so Mathias assumed he had managed to fall asleep.
So obviously when Lukas was called to dinner he refused, saying he just needed a bit more time to see if he would feel any better, and Emil explained he had already eaten and wasn't in the mood. Mathias was sad, sitting there with the same people he had before, plus Peter. He wished the other two came down, ate with everyone, and smiled. But that wasn't happening right now.

After eating, Mathias decided to try and retreat to the sitting room, where he would most likely fall asleep so that Lukas could have his space. But when he got into the hall, there was Lukas out of nowhere. It scared Mathias a little, but Lukas took his hand, simply muttering "we need to talk, outside.." before going to the closet and grabbing his jacket and shoes. Mathias was confused and a bit scared, but he nodded and got some warm clothes on.
Lukas took Mathias up the hill a bit, to a small ledge and had them sit there, looking out over the slight sight of the lights of the town. There was no talking, not for a good five minutes, as Lukas held Mathias's hand, just looking out over the town. But soon, Lukas started to cry. At first, it was soft and you couldn't hear it, but it escalated into low sobs, prompting a big hug from Mathias.
"Mathias.." Lukas sniffled. "Have I ever told you about how.. when the high blood vampires have no females around, their bodies have the ability to adapt to this surroundings, therefore they can reproduce with only two males around.."
Mathias felt his heart skip a beat as he pulled away and looked down at Lukas. It had to have been a joke, Mathias was sure of it. "Lukas are you..."

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