Chapter Three: A Guest At The Manor

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"Lukas you're pregnant?!" Mathias stared at Lukas with wide eyes, taking his hand. Lukas was having a hard time keeping his sobs quiet, tears streaming down his face. Mathias quickly hugged Lukas, which was a bit surprising for him, but he hugged back, albeit carefully. "This is amazing!"
Lukas pushed Mathias off of him and stood up, putting his hands on either side of his head with a small groan. "It's not amazing! Do you understand what we've done?!" Lukas yelled, wiping off his face. "You, are a wolf! I, am a vampire! When you mix that together, you get a powerful weapon! The reason the vampires don't openly seek them is because that would mean getting along with a wolf, which sucks! So when the coven discovers a half breed, what usually happens is a war between the coven and the pack! Not to mention that I could die!" We could both die because they want my baby! And I can't do this!" Mathias quickly stood and took Lukas's hand.
"No no! Nobody is going to take our baby from us and we CAN do this!  This is a sign! All this time we've been here There's always been something missing, both of us knew it! Now please. Calm down." Lukas nodded and took a few deep breaths, calming himself down best he could, while Mathias gently hugged him. Lukas wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel about all of these things. It was so weird and new, but..
"I don't feel very well.. let's go back inside.."

Emil was sitting at his desk with a pencil and a paper, tapping it here and there to try and get ideas, or so he thought. What Leon had said to him, that had been something that made him question. But in the end he didn't think that it could be true. He set his pen down though when someone knocked on his door. Emil shut his notebook and announced to the person to come in, and was a bit surprised to see Lukas come in. The blonde rose a brow, watching as his older brother came in and sat on the bed, just being his usual quite confusing self.
"Emil, I want you to know that I'm pregnant, and I might die. Have a good sleep." And with that, Lukas left the room. It was the last thing that Emil had expected to hear and honestly? He wasn't going to question this too much, he was tired and stuff, but then he heard the familiar yell from Mathias, "FAMILY MEETING". So now he had to go do that bullshit.

Everyone grouped up in the living room, though before long Peter was sent off to bed, and then it was only the grownups in the room. Everyone was confused on why there was a meeting so late at night, and Emil caught on very quickly to the situation. Lukas cleared his throat and looked at the group, taking a deep breath. "I know it's late, short notice, we're all tired. But I have something to tell to all of you, and it sort of affects us all..? Well, when it comes to high blood vampires, we can adapt to our dire situations, and it seems as though my body has.. My condition is hard for me to enjoy and I'm sure you won't like it much either, and there is a possibility that near the end of it, I could die a brutal death. I won't keep you waiting much longer, I'm pregnant."
The others weren't even sure what to say, other than being silent, Emil just falling asleep in his chair whilst Tino had his ears pinned back, and Berwald looked genuinely surprised. It was silent, more than usual in the house before finally Tino Released his tension throughout his entire body and nodded. "Well! This is!" He hesitated. "Good? I don't really know what to say? I mean, no matter what I'll support you, you and Mathias gave us this opportunity and this home!"
Berwald seemed to agree with a nod, saying he would go with whatever plan they have in store. Lukas was a bit confused that they were so easy to accept that things were changing, but then again, that is how they got to the house here. A sudden need for change in their sad lives. Sure, it was surprising, but Lukas sort of knew they would be like this.

Everyone decided it was time for bed, it had been a surprisingly long day, and they all seemed to be exhausted. They said goodnight to each other, then the doors all shut. Lukas got into bed, sighing softly as Mathias soon joined him after getting his clothes off. Lukas cuddled up with the other, shutting his eyes. He was tired, his stomach still hurt but now it didn't seem so bad. He knew that later he would be back to feeling absolutely horrible, but for now, he wanted to bask in the glory of getting sleep..


"And you said just up here, yes?" Leon nodded to the question and messed with his hands a bit. "Don't get nervous, you're the one who put the spell on your little friend, hm?" Leon once again nodded, even more embarrassed. He hated doing these things, he was horrible with spells but not this one, so to the sheer amount of times his father had forced him to use it on people. Leon wished that he could be normal and not the son of some prick high blood. Well, really that's what Leon himself was at this point, a slave to some prick high blood who was rather pampered.
When they arrived, both of them were surprised to see this very large manor in front of them. Where there were windows, they were covered by curtains, at least on the first floor, and in the front. Leon started to walk around the house with his father, finding the blinds in the parlor open, and no lights on. They kept looking, Leon's father making a comment about how his son must have bugged the wrong person because it sure looked like nobody was home. But Leon assured him that it was the right guy, and to keep looking.
Leon was forced to use one of his spells again, this one to get them inside, hopefully undetected. Thank god the both of them had silent footfalls. Leon took this time to look around, seeing all of the neat things in the manor. The kitchen was huge, the furniture was beautifully crafted. And everything about this place seemed like magic. Finally Leon went upstairs, seeing his father looking into one room with disgust. Leon went to see after his father moved on, seeing a small boy, and it was surprisingly,  a human one. Leon wondered why on earth a human boy would be here but continued on, opening up one door and sneaking inside to look at the room. It was big enough, a desk in one corner, a big hanging crystal light fixture, a huge canopy bed, and so many wonderful things that Leon could only imagine having.
Leon crept over to the bed and looked at the person sleeping in it. No, this was the right house, because he knew that face. This was Emil, his best friend. Leon sat on the bed, looking at Emil curiously. He had been serious about having a human schedule, hadn't he? Leon didn't think much of it, and got up. No use staying in here, if Emil woke up it would look strange. So Leon went to find his father, seeing him peeking into another room near the end of the hall. Leon joined and looked up at his father. "What did you find..?" He asked in a whisper as quietly as he could manage.
"Exactly what I was looking for.."

;;one of my shorter length chapters, sorry! Didn't know exactly how to write this one!

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