Fun For The Last Time

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I turned around to see Jimin running towards us..
"I was looking for both of you everywhere! ." he said panting.
Looking at his expression, it seemed that he didn't witness anything.. He was just his adorable self. I took a deep breath.. Thank god.
"Yaa we were just talking about you" Tae lied looking straight in Jimin's eyes.. I mean how could he?
"So it's not too late.. Lets hangout. We haven't hung out in a while now.." Jimin suggested with a spark in his eyes.
Tae nodded with excitement and we all knew the destination... Bob's Cafe, where we usually hangout to kill the stress.

I said nothing in the whole way.. I'd rather stay quiet than lie to everyone that I'm in glee when in reality I'm not.. But I should be.. I overcame my stagefear, my parents and my teachers were happy for me, I finally kissed the guy of my dreams.. I should be telling everyone I'm happy about this, atleast my two homies, like Jimin was doing. But I just couldn't as my mind was running through a lot of shit, so I couldn't help but look down and nod to their conversation the whole time.

It took 10 minutes just to reach Bob's Cafe.. But to me, it seemed like forever..
"How u doin guys??!"
Bob exclaimed as soon as we entered the cafe.
His playful behaviour, his kindness, his humour was the main reasons why we loved him so much and he always lighted up the place with his jolliness which made the cafe feel like home. And that feeling was enough for us to visit the cafe more than often.

"Heyy Bob, we're amazing as always!" Jimin happily answered and went to greet him as always, being his cute self ,while Tae and I sat on our favourite spot of the place that was near the window through which we could see the moonlit pond nearby.
"Let go of wierd thoughts right now. We'll talk about this later . Let's have fun as if its our last. " Tae said smiling at me as he seated himself in front of me..
Well I did forget all this bs because of the cafe..
The atmosphere of the cafe was always so cheerful that even the crying babies start smiling once they are in the cafe.
So my play with my thoughts had already vanished when I saw Bob coming towards us accompanied by Jimin.
Everything was so beautiful that I     went with the flow, forgetting every negative things.

"So what will u have kids?"  he asked while he already knew the answer to it and and answered himself with excitement.

"Noodles for our mochi, kimchi for Y/Niie and sushi for Taetae."
"And cokeee" Jimin chuckled just like a child as he sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder which was completely normal.
Bob poked his nose and left with a jovial air.


Home by bts was playing on the radio while we hummed along with it, talking, laughing, enjoying our dinner.
Oh how lucky I am to be friends with these two. I wish I could seize the moment cuz everything felt wonderful and I had a feeling that tomorrow will be anything far from wonderful..
But I brushed it off and enjoyed the moment with my two best friends who were giggling like idiots on stupid things.. So i accompanied them with zero worry in my mind grasping everything I could in the moment as moments like these don't stay forever..


Thanks for reading ;-)
Here's a picture of Vmin cz I love this friendship alot 💜

Thanks for reading ;-)Here's a picture of Vmin cz I love this friendship alot 💜

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I love these two<3.

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