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Tiana POV

"You don't have to go there Tiana. You know you can stay here as long as you need." Taelyn said.
"Yeah I know, and I appreciate y'all so much. But this is out of hand." I said looking over Key's face. I had only seen Milo act like this once, and that was with my brother.
"If he so much as lays a fingernail on you Tiana, I will kill him. So don't hesitate to call me." Taelyn said.
"He would never. I'll be fine." I said picking up Mila's car seat as I headed to the car. Putting her in the car, I got in after buckling myself up and heading to the house.

I was dreading seeing Milo. I don't know what had gotten into him lately but I could say I wasn't a fan. We had a daughter to raise, and he needed to get it together. I'm glad I had started working at Luxe because I had put some money up for a rainy day. And it sure felt like it was raining.

Pulling up to the house, Dejon and Blue's cars were in the driveway. And I felt a bit relieved knowing I wouldn't have to deal with Milo on my own. Getting Mila out I headed in the house.
Everyone sat in the living room. Including India. I furrowed my eyebrows, as she approached me.
"I didn't see your car." I said.
"I rode with Blue, you good?" She asked. Looking past her Milo was starring a hole in my face.
"I'm fine." I said getting Mila out of her car seat as I headed down stairs. Taking her in the bathroom I placed her in her baby tub and ran some warm water.
"Whatever is going on with y'all, you need to fix it." Blue spoke from behind me.
"Excuse me? I need to fix it. He cheated on me." I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah and let's not forget you been working at Luxe. Y'all ain't put everything out on the table and you really need to. Give each other the opportunity to truly decide if y'all wanna be together after you have that conversation. I'll stay and meditate." He said and with that turned to walk out the bathroom.

My heart sank. He was right. We needed to talk. I wanted all the details of what he had been doing these past few months, but I couldn't expect that without giving him some details of my own.
I finished bathing Mila, taking her into the nursery to dress her. Once I finished I kissed her cheek laying her in the crib.
"I love you Mila Gray." I spoke. Grabbing the baby monitor before leaving the room.

Heading upstairs, everyone sat looking at me.
Taking a seat, I see they had poured me a drink chugging it down I felt the burn in my chest. I felt I needed it for this conversation.
"Anything you want to know ask me, but don't say you not leaving me just to hold it over my head." Milo spoke.
Looking at him he held a serious look.

"I know you cheated, what more about the situation do you want me to know?" I asked looking away from him

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"I know you cheated, what more about the situation do you want me to know?" I asked looking away from him.
"Whatever it takes to help you get past it."
"Get past it? I never cheated on you. And I never would. If I wanted someone else I would simply not be with you. Is it not that simple for you?" I asked sitting straight up still not giving him eye contact.
"No because I didn't go into the situation with the intentions to cheat." He said.
"Are you dumb?! Cheating is cheating!" I yelled.
"Tiana, you can't be fussing and hollering at him like that. Cus when he do it back you gone feel attacked. Hear him out." India spoke and I raised my brows at her. Is this some kind of intervention?
"What were your intentions Milo?" I asked with linked fingers because now I was aggravated.
"Just to sell the drugs Tiana. That's it."
"So how did you get so invested in that, that you ended up with your dick in her mouth or better yet your fingers in her?" I asked him.
Our friends looked at him surprised, but I don't know what for. He's a grimey ass nigga.
"Because I didn't want it to get back to you, hurting you and losing our family was at the forefront of my mind. I got caught up in a lot of moments but when I realized that telling you and being open had to be better than what I was doing I stopped."
"Are you done selling?"
"Yeah I'm done." He said and a sense of relief came over me.
"I'm hurt that you took it to that level with her. She gone always feel like she got one up on me, you just better be glad I'm not an easy bitch to break." I said.
"I know and I'm sorry." He spoke. Blue cleared his throat as he looked between me and India.
"I have something to tell you." I said biting my lip.
"Go head, I'm listening." He said.

"A few months ago, a job opportunity came up for me and India." I started.
"She only took it because I took it." India vouched for me.
"And it was after we had the conversation about you not going pro, and I felt we were hurting for money." I said.
"We were never hurting for money. But go head I feel like you beating around the bush."
"I've been working nights at Luxe." I said. His entire face shifted into a frown.

But he said nothing.
"I only bartend, and I make great money. And when I turn twenty this month I can start dancing if I want, but I don't think I will." I said.
"You don't think huh?" He asked followed by a chuckle.
"You can't be upset, it's no worse than what you've been doing these past few months." I argued.
Standing to his feet, he walked past all of us heading downstairs.
"Well at least you were honest, I'm proud of you." India said.
"Yeah he might be in his feelings but he'll get over it, y'all need to spend some time fixing your relationship." Blue said.
"Yeah what he said. He just loves you, that's all." Dejon added.

A few minutes later, he returned up the stairs with a duffel bag.
"You can't be serious." I said stopping him as he attempted to walk past me. He snatched away from me.
"At the very beginning when you had a gun in your face, I told you I got us. Just trust me and I got us. I may have fucked up your trust along the way but I always had you, you never want for shit. You didn't do this shit because you needed money, you did it selfishly. Because you wanted to. And I'm not judging you at all. But you not gone be my wife and a stripper, so imma get out your way and let you figure out what's most important to you." He said and with that walked out the door.

"He'll get over it right?" I asked Blue as my heart pounded in my chest.
"Im sorry man I didn't know he would react like that." He apologized.

Phew! Long time no speak! Guys I flunked out of one of my summer class and had to re-register for it for this semester. I was trying to do too much at one time! Im sorry but im back at better.

Now loves, do you feel that Milo is overreacting?

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