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T'ziah POV

My heart felt like it could jump out of my chest.
"I have managed to be supportive of her, and yet here you are someone she adores and you can't even put your pride to the side and be happy for your baby sister." She spoke to me.
Furrowing my eyebrows. I clapped my hands loudly.
"Congratulations Taelyn. You left your siblings in a home to get beat on everyday, had your boyfriend get one of them in the drug game, and left the other for fucking dead and you wanna preach to me about being supportive. You should feel real good about yourself." I snapped.
"I didn't know T'ziah." She said lowly.
"You didn't know what? How to be a sister? Nigga you're 5 years older than me. I remember everything and this whole time you been playing under my sisters nose. Trying to make yourself seem like such a great friend to her, and you may have been that but you're a horrible fucking sister!" I yelled.

A clearing of a throat caused me to look up.
"I just came to say, everyone is looking for you all. And I overheard your conversation and I think you all should tell Tiana." Amera, Milo's mother spoke. Sighing I walked past both of them. If anyone was going to tell Tiana it needed to be Taelyn. She was the one who decided to pop back up after all this time, and suddenly be a sister. We didn't need her then, and we don't need her now.

"Hey, hey. What's going on?" Tiana asked me stopping me from heading out the front door. I needed fresh air. Pulling her into a hug, I held her tightly.
"You're so young Ti. But I trust you. I trust that if you feel like Milo is it for you then that's fine by me. I only want you to be happy, and clearly he makes you that. Like I've always said, I'm happy if you're happy but the second that you're not, I will kill him with no hesitation. I gotta go. But I love you." I said kissing her forehead.
"Where is all this coming from?" She asked.
"We will talk later." I said. I was itching to get away from this house and away from these people.

Not holding me back any longer I walked out the front door and was preparing to leave when Teya came outside with Wynn. Putting my head in my hands I sighed. I couldn't catch a break right now.
"So just fuck us?" She asked looking at me.
"Watch your mouth." I warned.
"Watch my mouth? What the fuck was that?!" She semi yelled. Stepping close to her, we stood chest to chest.
"Do I look like I'm playing with you Teya? Stop cussing in front of my son. I just need air." I explained.
"Who is she?"
"What?" I asked looking at her sideways. I took a step back.
"Who is that girl? Clearly you know her."
"Do you trust me or not?" I asked irritated that I could still see this house.
"In this moment, not. Who is she?"
Laughing I was about to go crazy.
"Go figure it out. Since you can't trust me as your husband, get the fuck out of my face." I said and with began my run down the beach.

Teya POV

I held Wynn on my hip as I watched T'ziah run down the beach along the villa we were staying in. I had seen a lot of emotions from T'ziah since I met him but never this. I couldn't pin point it but whoever this female was had brought it out of him. Going back into the house Nova ran to me.
"Where's daddy?" She asked.
"He went for a run, he'll be back." I said not entirely sure myself.
"Here give me Wynn, we'll keep the kids while y'all go out and enjoy the beach." My mom said.

Going into the kitchen Tiana and Milo were helping clean up.
"I knew he wouldn't like us being married but I never seen him act like this before. I honestly wish y'all had fought instead." She said to Milo.
"What kind of shit is that? Whatever got his panties in a bunch he'll just have to get over it. Don't let this ruin your vacation baybeh." Milo said.
"I agree, whatever has him so upset he won't even talk to me about it. But I feel like if it was your marriage he would have left without saying anything to you." I voiced and she nodded.
"I just don't want him upset with me. His support means so much to me." She spoke lowly. Shaking his head Milo excused himself.

"You gotta stop doing that." I said lowly in case he was still near.
"What?" She asked.
"Putting Milo down. He is trying to be everything you need in this life. And then it's like the second you feel you let your brother down, you're ashamed of the life you're creating with Milo. So what you got married? You love him and he loves you. And if that is what has T'ziah so upset he has no choice but to get over it." I explained.
"You're right. I don't mean to. But for as long as I could remember T'ziah has been my only family. I know I have a family of my own now, but I wouldn't if it hadn't been for my brothers protection. And I'm forever indebted to him for that."
"You shouldn't be indebted to him. Because you are his baby sister and I think he would die before he let something happen to you. Even now with a family of his own, and you with a family of your own. That'll never change." I said as we embraced.
"Y'all ready for the beach?" Alaysia asked.
"They having a moment." Bryce said.

We laughed.
"Give us a few minutes we have to get ready." I said. And they left. Smiling we went out separate ways to prepare for the beach day.

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