Chapter 1

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Harry lead the professors down the hallway and through an archway made only of metallic bars, The bricks on the walls crumbling and cracking. Moss and vines growing into the larger room. 

"We found this room Professor with this strange structure in the middle." Hermione said from behind, walking under the arch and eyeing the pool of lava that bubbled in the side of the room cautiously. 

Dumbledore hesitantly walked up the stairs, watching for the missing bricks. "It surely is a unique structure." He looks down at the weird structure. "It looks like something circular goes in these parts here." 

The structure begins to glow suddenly and twelve circular balls that look almost like eyes appear above each crevice in the structure. "Oh wow. Merlin, this is a type of magic we've never discovered." Mcgonagall added as she watched in surprise and awe.

"Then I suggest we leave! We shouldn't be messing with magic we don't understand!" Hermione rose her voice, hoping to be heard. But before any of them could make a choice, the circular objects lowered into the holes in the structure. A weird portal like thing filling the middle up over the bubbling lava below. 

Dumbledore quickly descended the stairs and push the three students behind him once he realised the portal's magic was working on it's own decision. He panicked in surprise once he lost his footing and the magical pull from the portal began to drag him back up the stairs, Soon after all other living beings in the room was being pulled in unwillingly by the active structure in the centre. 

Hermione scream was cut short as she was the first one to be swallowed up by the portal, Then McGonagall, Ron, Harry and Dumbledore. But someone else's screams ring throughout the room too as he also gets swallowed up by the mysterious portal. 


Hermione Granger has joined the server

Minerva McGonagall has joined the server

Albus Dumbledore has joined the server

Harry Potter has joined the server

Ronald Weasley has joined the server

Draco Malfoy has joined the server

Harry groaned as he peeled his eyes open, being met with a dark sky. "Merlin what happened?" Everyone sat up with a similar groan. 

"Malfoy?" McGonagall asked, turning to the slytherin boy. "What are you doing here?" 

"I followed you here! And now I'm stuck here with you all!" He huffed. 

Dumbledore sighed and rose to his feet, brushing his robes off. "Well, We best start searching." He looks over the large lake. Hermione takes notice of a pillar made of wooden planks, as if in a hurry. McGonagall rose to her feet and patted down her robes, the children following her lead. 

A low growl erupts from behind the group. Draco frozen in fear as he stares at a monster in the eyes. Skin green and falling off it's own body, Eyes hollow and blood dried up on it's dirty ripped clothes. 

"T-The fuck is that?!" His voice shrilled as he hid behind the Professors. Dumbledore drew his wand out and pointed it at the creature. But nothing happened. 

"Huh?" He reeled his hand away and quickly looked over his wand before trying again. "Does magic not work here?" 

An arrow whizzed past the group and pierced into the skin of the creature, The group turn around to see a tall lanky boy, no older than 17 standing there reloading a crossbow, He pointed it at the creature again and clicked the trigger, letting the loaded arrow to fly out and hit the monster again.

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