Chapter 6

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Scott hummed as he sat against a chest, fiddling with some string while people were scattered about the pube. Phil however was deep in thought, looking intensely into the hybrid book.

"Your thinking of her again aren't you?" Techno questioned his fatherly figure.

"Of course I am, when am I not? I see her as one of my own and She chose to live all alone." He explained and closed the book. "She might have the answer or an idea of what Harry is though.." Phil added on, more to himself than anyone.

"I'm sorry. But who." Hermione questioned, leaning in alittle as she sat next to Fundy.

Phil looked at the girl before sighing deeply and explaining. "Acouple months ago there was a glitch in the server systems that threw a girl into our server. She goes by the name of GL1Ch, very friendly yet very powerful. Can hover and float about like Tubbo can, disappear and reappear at her own choice aswell as phasing through blocks similarly to Wilbur, can teleport like Ranboo and Draco" Phil explained as his eyes drifted to the floor, tears flooding and dripping down. "She can't go in the rain and she always happens to be in pain. Her moods switch drastically literally like a flick of a lever, she can only see in black and white, and can't go in the sunlight."

Professor Mcgonagall handed the blackwinged man her hankachief as she asked. "So she was never supposed to exist."

"Imagine getting thrown into a world you don't understand in immense pain, in the burning sun, and only to learn there was a mistake and you were to not exist." Ron mumbled, causing Harry to smack him. Dumbledore stayed quiet.

Wilbur quietly spoke up "Should we go visit her then? You know she refuses to come here"

Phil nodded with a sigh

Sorry its a short chapter! I also know GL1Ch may sound like a Mary Sue atm, I promise you shes not. I've tried to level her out the best I can xxx

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