Chapter 8 (RIP Techno)

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So uh. You've all probably heard by now. TechnoBlade has unfortunately passed away. His death has hit a lot of us hard, harder than we all have suspected, me included. He'll still be included in my book because I don't think it'll be fair for him to be removed simply for the fact he has passed away. It'll just be more difficult for me to write like him so please understand if he is off or not mentioned in chapters since he did have a big involvement before. Technoblade may have gone to fight the heavens but he hasn't truly died, he's still in our hearts and we won't forget him. Technoblade never dies. Rip Alex. O7

After days of trekking through different biomes, the group finally found a small shack. A small wooden snack perched high on the mountains.

"That's where this GL1Ch lives?!" Ron shrieked, unamused at the height of the mountain.

"Yep," Wilbur replied, popping the 'P'.

With a collective groan from the younger group, they all began their journey up the mountain, walking past goats, and rabbits.

Phil and Mcgonagall reached the shack first, using the alliance of their wings. He assisted in the woman's landing on the ground, a small proud smile gracing his lips.

The rest reached shortly after until Phil did a headcount, "We're all here, good." He then opened the door and walked in. Harry rose an eyebrow as the rest of the natural occupiers of the world followed in after Phil.

"Is it normal for them to just walk into other people's homes? Where's the locks and stuff?" Ron questioned, staying put.  Dumbledore shook his head and followed in after the group.

"I'm sure if whoever lived here would've locked the door if they wanted to keep us out. Mr Weasley" McGonagall sighed, following in after the students. Draco sniffed as a response.

Stairs. A lot of stairs existed in the room. Going down. And so they began the descent.

After an hour or two they were as low as they could probably be. Torches lined stone walls and it finally opened into a large cavernous cave, but it's as if it was blown up instead of a natural cave.

Large unnatural mushrooms grew out from the walls, lighting up the area, vines wrapped around everything and moved, a quant normal cottage was the middle centre piece though. These glowing vines constricted the cottage like a snake, however.

Phil knocked on the cottage door before calling out. "Gl1ch? I know you're here! We need your help!"

The door swung open, Although no one was there. Phil simply walked in, As well as the others as if this was a normal occurrence.

Harry looked over at Ron before hesitantly following Wilbur in. Gazing at the vines that squirmed around the room. A figure laid in one, a large wing perched over its own body and draped down the vine.

"What did you come here for Phil?" A voice spoke. Its pitch rose up and down in octaves, almost like a microphone's pitch glitching.

"Your help?" The bucket-hat blonde man responded.

A sigh resonated out and caused the walls to shudder, The wing, which honestly looked like that of a large phantom, moved. Revealing a rather colourful girl. However, the colours seemed to work.

She jumped down from the vine and vanished from sight, appearing behind Harry. Looking at Phil. "My help?"

"You are very Knowledgable dear.." He sighed.

"Fine..." She huffed and fiddled with the multicoloured sleeves on her hoodie.

Wilbur smiled slightly with a hum. "Is that a new Hoodie? It looks similar to Karls."

"Hm? Oh yeah. I went to visit him recently! And I liked the hoodie he always wore. He wouldn't give it to me so I made myself one. Similar but more me." She beamed and looked at Phil then at the new group "I take it the help has something to do with them?"

Hermione sighed before stepping forward. "My friend Harry hasn't found his Origin. So if it wouldn't be such a bother. Could you please figure it out?"

Gl1ch rose an eyebrow at the bushy-haired girl. "I'm putting you on time-out. How dare you snap at me." She clicked her fingers and the distressed vines peeled away from the wall, constricting around the snobbish teenage girl and hanging her upside down, like a fly in a spider's web.

"Hermione!" Ron and Harry shrieked as they ran over, attempting to rip Hermione from her time-out.

"No use. They can hang on tighter than a snake constricts their prey." The colourful girl announced with a sick grin, seemingly enjoying this. "Anyways. Which one of you is Harry?"

"Uhm. Me?" Harry gingerly stepped forward.

Gl1ch grabbed his wrists and huffed "Don't even have communicators. This is just perfect." She grumbled. "Phil what did you look into with Harry?"

"All of them." Phil sighed, fixing his bucket hat.

"Including the bosses?" She said.

Phil rose an eyebrow in confusion at this. "Bosses?"

"Yeah? The Wardlings, Withens and Dragons?" She said. Confusion lacing her tone. Did Phil not know these Origins exist too?

"They actually exist?" Will questioned.

"You all didn't know?!" She stood up straight, unfolding her wings in disbelief.

"No" Tommy chuckled.

"I met a Wardling like... Last month! They can't see. He has glasses so probably actually. Sniff shit out like Wardens do as well. Pretty cool people."

"So you think I'm a... A Warding?" Harry tilted his head.

"A WardLING, it has a 'L' in it. And no your probably not because your not mentioning about seeing ghosts the dead and stuff. As well as not smelling every little thing" She shrugged and turned away. "However. You might be a Dragon."

"Aren't Dragons supposed to have wings.. And tails.. And horns..?" Tommy speaks up.

"They earn that chicken boy. Phil keep your child under control please while the adults are talking."

"Bitch." Tommy grumbled.

"Time-out for the child. Really I am doing the disciple for the children here aren't I?" Vines once again reached down, and before Tommy could reach the front door snatched him by the leg and hoisted him up and next to Hermione.

"How am I supposed to earn my abilities?" Harry stressed as Gl1ch walked past him and put the kettle on.

"I don't know Harry?! Do I look like a fricking dragon to you? Sit on the dead Ender Dragons egg and eat it or something I dunno." She huffed as Wilbur clapped his hands together bent over laughing. "Would any of you like a cup of tea?"

A chorus of "Yes's" and "Yes please" soon emerged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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