Chapter 3

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Hermione was hesitantly standing at the edge of the outside area. "So uh, What's the worst that could happen and what's the best that could happen?" 

Technoblade, Who showed up not too long ago, piped up to answer her question. "You die, Or you live."

"Really calming my nerves! Thanks alot Techno!" She said, sarcasm dripping off her tongue.

"Oh your welcome, Glad I could help. Now jump before I push you." He fixed his crown before approaching. 

Hermione gulped and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and finally leaped off. Opening her eyes and shrieking as she sees the ground below coming closer and closer, Instinctively she points her feet to the ground. She collides with the ground, her knee's giving way and causing her to fall to her knees, but overall she's okay. "I lived. I lived!" She smiles and standing up. 

She quickly made her way back up, a smile as wide as physcially possible plastered on her face. Techno hummed, pleased and stacked acouple crates of planks up until they were level with Harry. 

Hermione walked in and stared at the pile. "What's that for?" 

Techno looked over at her, "Run up to it and jump onto it." Hermione's eyes widen as she locks eyes with the man hiding behind a pig mask. She hesitantly begins to sprint at the stack and jump up, squealing with surprise as she landed ontop of it. 

"WHoo!" She smiles and jumps off. 

"Your a feline." Techno said, his usual monotone voice as he picks the crates up and walks over to a large chest, placing them both inside. He glances at Harry. "Now you." He hums as he sits down ontop of the chest.

Harry gulps as Techoblade stares at him intensely. "Yeah I got nothing, You could be anything." He sits up slightly. 

"It's always Harry isn't it? Harry is just the golden boy!" Draco throws his arms in the air and huffs in annoyance. 

"And whats so wrong with that?" Ranboo questions as he walks through the door. 

"Just, Everything must always be involved around him!" Draco growls out, Glaring at the boy with glasses. 

"And how is everything involved around him? Your life is your own and is only revolved around someone elses if you make it." Ranboo said as he places a large stack of dirt in the corner, letting out a sigh before turning to Draco. "Draco I have no idea how you were raised. But I like to believe people can change no matter how much bad they could've done or been put through. I think you've been raised to focus on something else instead of yourself." 

Draco stood there, quiet for a second. "But Father!" 

Ranboo quickly cut him off. "No, Your father isn't here Draco, He can't tell you what you can and can't do." He drops to his knees infront of the younger boy. "You are your own person to do what you want." Draco huffed and averted his eyes. 

Ranboo sighed and gently took his chin, making him look back. "Come on, Let's go get Tubbo and do something." He smiled and rose to his feet, grinning wider when Draco agreed, Letting them both leave the Pube and down to find the bee hybrid. 

"How did he calm him down?" Hermione questioned, surprised. 

"Ranboo has a way with words, Sorta scary at times." Wilbur explained. Dumbledore hummed as he watched the door close. 

"We haven't spoken about how we'll return home." McGonagall reminded everyone, Philza's attention snapped to her.

"Oh Yeah, that was a thing, helping you get back to your world." He hummed. "How did you even get here?" 

Harry perked up. "A portal, It was in a circular shape. In a crumbling maze of brick, lava was underneath it." He fell quiet as he realised Phil's face paled. "What's wrong?" 

"What you found was no ordinary portal, I don't even know why it was in your world nor why it bought you here." Will explained, Phil and him sharing a worried glance. "Instead of where the portal was supposed to take you." 

"Supposed?!" Hermione questioned, shocked. 

"The portal is called an end portal, It brings you to a small pocket dimension called the end. What resides in the end is truly horrifying." Phil explains. "A singular female dragon, protecting her only egg, She can rip through the ground, throw you about, Burn you with her purple fire. What makes it all worse is there's these exploding crystals on really high pillars that heal her if she's close enough."

McGonagall stares at him horrified, "How are we suppose to get home?!" 

"Kill her." Techno said bluntly, staring at her dead in the eyes. "Once she's dead, you get access to your way back home and the egg." 

"Without magic?!" Harry rose to his feet, shocked. Technoblade just turned to him, his voice growing more monotone then usual.

"Your all hybrids, besides we'll teach you how to use a sword and bows." Harry shrunk away at the dead tone of his voice, eyes widening slightly. 

Techno looked at Hermione and sighed. "We have no feline to help with your abilites, So you have the choice to learn yourself or stick with Phil." He hummed as if he was thinking. "Or Fundy, He's the most similar, being a kitsune and all." 

"I'll go along side Fundy." Hermione hesitated, Techno just nodded and tapped his left wrist, pulling up the same chat menu as Wilbur did and began typing out a message. He closed the chat and looked at the ground. 

Wilbur pulled up chat once the mark on his wrist tingled and read the oncoming messages. "Fundy is on his way." Hermione nodded and sighed, fiddling with a piece of paper. 

Quackity has joined the server

"Who?" Hermione questioned. Eyeing the message that has faded into her peripheral vision.

Wilbur sighed as a smile pulled on his lips. "A friend of ours, He was whitelisted onto the server ages ago. He's pretty chaotic and tends to be loud and weird. Just, Don't pay mind to anything he says." 

Harry nods understandingly as two people come through the door, well, One barges in, the other follows in shortly after and closes the door.

"ME GUSTA!" He first one shrieked, His black locks mostly hidden underneath a beanie, His black eyes screaming mischief. Behind him was a bipedal shorter fox, He smiles down at Hermione and takes a seat near her.

"I assume your Hermione?" He asked softly, paying no mind to Quackity as if it's common for him to act like this. Hermione nods with a smile.

"You must be Fundy." She responded with, The fox nodding with a grin.

"Now, to my understanding, We are not the same origin species, BUT. The feline Origin and the Kitsune origin is somewhat similar, We both can jump pretty high, We both don't take damage when we fall. And we both can see slightly better in the dark. You, however, Scare creepers away while I can't, Which is a natural thing, they'll automatically run from you." He explained with a grin, Hermione nodded quickly, taking in the information. 

Harry hummed in thought, watching Quackity cautiously. 

"Heeey Kid!" He spoke, sitting by Ron. "Could ya like some happy flour?! You look like your in need of happy flour!" 

"God Quackity please don't try and sell cocaine to the children." Phil spoke up, laughing softly.

"What?! Why?!" He screeched, standing up.

"It's obvious why! He's a child!" Phil argued back, his smile still on his face, Quackity just crossed his arms and sulked. 


Bruuh, Quackity is here now :) I dunno what Origin to give him since it was a sudden decision, Lemme know your opinions on what origin he should have!! xxx

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