Chapter 4

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Technoblade hummed as he stared at Quackity. "What Origin are you Quackity?" 

"Shulk. Why?" He grinned alittle, Techno sighed and averted his gaze, crossing his arms.

"No reason." He bit the inside of his cheek as he went deep into thought, Phil looking over at his platonic eldest son with worry etched over his face. 

Draco and Ranboo ran inside, screaming before frantically beginning to attempt to dry out their soaked clothes, Phil jumped up and quickly began to dig for new clothes, Jack and Wilbur following after the winged man. 

"What happened?!" McGonagall raised her voice, her wings puffed out as response to her panic and startle from the two sudden screaming boys.

"It's Raining." Ranboo explained. ripping his shirt off and throwing it to the side, quickly patting his body down with a towel Jack handed to him, Tubbo came charging in shortly after, out of breath. "Sorry about running off like that Tubs." 

"It's okay! I understand." Tubbo smiled and walked to the other side of the room and fluttering his less obvious bee-like wings, sighing contently as the water landed on the wooded floor. Jack came speed climbing up the ladder, handing a second towel to Draco. Phil approached Draco and helped him take his shirt off. 

"Your okay mate, We got you." He softly cooed, wiping the tears from the platinum haired boy, Drying him off and helping him get into his new shirt. "Let's go get your jeans changed, they'll stick to your legs soon and hurt since their still damp." He took the boys hand and lead him into the basement. Ranboo retreating into the empty attic to change his jeans out. 

Harry sighed and sat down, alittle shaken up, Technoblade sat beside him and took out a book, beginning to silently read it, his plaited pink hair curled over his shoulder and stopping by his waist. 

Ranboo came back down, fixing his shirt slightly and exhaled exhaustedly. "Sorry about that." Harry just smiled warmly to the Enderian.

"You feeling better now?" Hermione softly asked, smiling slightly at seeing him dry and calmer, Ranboo nodded at the girl with an appreciative smile. 

Draco came back up from the basement, wearing comfortable oversized sweatpants and a large shirt. Phil came up shortly after, the soaked clothes hooked over his arm. 

He sighed and smiled at the shaken up boy, gently rubbing his back. "It's okay Harry, They're okay."

Draco sat on the floor with a sigh, hugging his knees. "I'm going out mining. So we'll get some more materials for the new comers. And incase anyone else from your world stumbles across the portal." Technoblade murmured, closing his book and placing it to the side. McGonagall and Dumbledore shared a glance before they spoke up.

"Should we go with you? Since you know, your doing it all for us." McGonagall questioned.

Jack's gaze flickered up at them. "How about the kids split off? Harry and Draco stay here, Hermione and Ron go with you. We'll need some help building accommodations for you all when the rain stops."

Dumbledore nodded. "Then it's settled! Granger, Weasley, get yourself prepared to come with us. Potter and Malfoy, you'll be staying here."

Ron and Hermione rised to their feet, Techno walking to a nearby chest. "So, We'll just give you all iron for now, we don't have enough netherite scraps to assure you all will get netherite armour. But we'll give you netherite swords." He pulled out acouple stacks of iron and some diamonds and netherite scraps.

He quickly crafted everything up and handed them to the people coming with him. "Please for good gods sake don't die. Netherite is so difficult to get and I've wasted so many beds."

Phil chuckled alittle and watched them leave. Some jumping off the edge, Techno included, and others climbing down the ladder.

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