Chapter 5

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Phil sat on the chest next to Wilbur, who strummed against his guitar mindlessly, Jack chatted away quietly with Harry while Ranboo helped Draco teleport from one end of the room to the other.

"You got this, Focus real hard on that one spot." Ranboo encouraged with a small smile. Watching Draco cautiously. Draco huffed impatiently as he narrowed his eyes at the cursed corner.

"It won't work!" He shrieked irritably. Ranboo hummed as he tried to think of a way to help.

"Your naturally a magic person."


"Whatever," Ranboo continued, Wilbur stopping the strumming and bursting out laughing. "I think your magic might still perhaps be inside you. Laying dormant and you got to channel it to make you teleport. Try that instead."

Draco groaned but focussed back, beginning to channel his energy and dormant magic. And with a crack and a large burst of purple dust particles. He had travelled to the other part of the room. Phil giving a well rewarded round of applause to the platinum haired boy.

"You did it! Proud of you mate." the winged man added onto his clapping.

Draco gave a sheepish smile to the man and sat beside him. "Phil?" He asked softly. Looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Yeah mate?"

"Can I speak to you privately?" He asked, Phil nodded and took his hand, leading him into the basement below for a private conversation.

"What Technoblade said earlier, about other people from our world coming here. Is it possible?" he asked cautiously.

"I mean. If they find the portal. Why?" The mans tone was one of confusion.

"I'm just worried is all. Incase someone my father knows or my father happens to find it and be dragged in. And finds me here." His gaze travels to the bricks. Not looking Phil in the eye.

"I'm taking the hint your father isn't a very kind man." Phil added on, his wings puffing up alittle defensively.

"He's. Not the best at times. I think he cares more about his reputation in the pureblood community than how I am feeling about everything." The child explained. Anger flared in Phil as he pulled him into a tight hug, wrapping his wings tightly around him.

"I'm your father now. I don't care if you call me Dad, Phil, Crow father, whatever. I will not allow you to be returned to that man." He pulled away, keeping a firm grip on him and cocooned in his wings. "And besides. As I'm positive its been proven. Your wizard magic doesn't work in our world. So it's not like he could Alakazam in this world. And I also highly doubt he knows how to use a sword better then Technoblade. He's nicknamed Blood God for a reason."

Draco snickered alittle as he wiped away the tears he didn't even realise were there. "Who else have you dragged into this family?"

"Well originally. It was just Me, Techno, Wilbur and Tommy. But then we found Tubbo in a cardboard box and he sorta platonically married Ranboo." Phil explained. "We are also all mostly dysfunctional. But we care and look out for each other. Techno is nicknamed Blood God because he is insanely good at hunting people down and fighting. I'm nicknamed angel of death for similar reasons. Also because I've travelled through so many different servers. Wilbur, He... Built a nation in one server then blew it up. Very long story. Tonmy is-- well. Tommy. Can't exactly get worse then that with him. And Tubbo is also Tubbo, not as bad as Tommy though. But has his moments." Phil smiled warmly and pulled the boy back into another hug. "We'll see where you fit in. Just know we will not turn our backs on you and we will love you for you. No matter how off the wall bonkers you may go."

Draco smiled again and returned the hug "Thank you.."

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