Something to fight for

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After all that chaos, the doctor was escorted out by security, screaming about how we're all beyond help and that we're all going to hell. None of us really cared. I was released from the hospital, and I got Aiko, Amiko, and Yui's contacts. We have a group chat now, and it is *chaotic*

I have pretty mixed emotions about going back to school. Saihara's reaction to me showing up in a wheelchair is pretty much the only thing I'm excited about. Though, I have lost some weight due to the disease. I weigh around 72 pounds now, down from 97. All the doctors said I was really underweight, but for the first time in a few years, I feel good about the way I look. The treatments are boring and take forever, but they are working. Aiko keeps spamming me with memes and random songs.

Every day that goes by, I think.

Although my health is terrible, this is the happiest I've ever been.

I have friends who care about me, that know what I'm going through. That's all I ever really wanted.

I couldn't stop the tears from building up, I couldn't stop them from falling down. I have the life I always wanted. I have friends, and I have a cat. I don't feel insecure about my body anymore. I don't feel worthless. I have something to fight for now. Something to live for. I don't want to die anymore.

I want to live.

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