𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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Inhaling deeply, Bakugou breathed a fresh breath into his stagnant sangfroid as he simply allowed Todoroki to unleash the emotions he'd bottled up. "I don't owe you shit, Shitty Hair. But, oi. Icyhot, go ahead and hit me as much as you want." Another manic flurry of punches and feeble kicks savaged his body, but Bakugou only saw a screaming, thrashing child in his arms. "Get it out... Yer only human. You don't gotta be a punching bag to life forever. Tch..." He bit his lip at the next cohesive sentence to spill out of Todoroki's mouth.

"I hate you," Todoroki sobbed, yet all Bakugou could imagine was Todoroki sobbing as a child rather than his current self. "I-I hate you so fucking much..." His voice was vibrant with visceral, vehement scorn. "Please... I want to fucking die. It's killing me. It hurts too much just to breathe. I-I can't... Kirishima, why...would you do this to me?" As his scalding fury fizzled out into sorrow, Bakugou pinned him down.

A dagger of guilt rent Bakugou's writhing heart while his skull was surrounded and drowned by the torpefying cadence of the rain. He'd never witnessed Todoroki in such a pregnable state, and he'd never seen Todoroki explode with such vicious, baleful feelings before. Bakugou had always reminded Todoroki that it was okay to let his feelings out, and that he didn't have to suppress every negative or unfavorable feeling, but even so, Todoroki nonchalantly insisted that he was all right and fully aware that he could do so whenever he felt the need to.

Is this similar to what he was going through then? Bakugou cogitated while Kirishima elucidated that Todoroki was a good friend that he did not want to lose. When he told me...that he did something that pissed Endeavor off to hell and back. I think I asked him if his emotions had ever broken him. Did he answer that? I don't remember. But I'm pretty sure he said that Endeavor found out about something he was never supposed to know.

Once Kirishima had finished speaking, Todoroki replied, "But I... Forget it. I just..." As though his undying inferno of a voice had been a blade of ice, it began to crack and splinter. "I'm sorry I dragged you both into this... I'm sorry I wasted your time. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry I'm fucking alive..."

"Bakubro, it's not your fault... No one would've known that this-"

"I TOLD THEM TO GO THERE! First Deku, then All Might, then that Icyhot bastard, and now my fucking parents! I hurt them all. Dammit. Dammit! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! I don't... I-"

𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨 - (𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇)Where stories live. Discover now