𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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I can't believe I lashed out like that, Todoroki growled to himself in self-reproach as he embraced Bakugou. I love this. I love him. Damn. I can't forgive either of us. But who knew that a hug could make me feel so loved but so empty and lonely? I have no right to be feeling like this. I'm so confused. Why do I feel so awful all the time when I should be happy with what I have and where I am?

"I love your hugs," he finally murmured while his words tapered off like the trail of a tear. "So, why...does it feel like this one is breaking me?" He snuggled himself into the faint tinges of warmth inevitably emanating from Bakugou's chest.

In place of a response, Bakugou brought their lips together, but as the grip of their lips grew, the speed of their movements did too. Bakugou kissed his lover again and again with augmented ardor, and as the two gradually shuffled back to the nearest wall, he licked over Todoroki's lower lip. As Todoroki's eyelids fluttered closed, their clothing began to flutter to the floor. Dripping, soaked piles of semi-translucent fabric slid across their flesh and slumped onto the ground.

[𝙎𝙢𝙪𝙩 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚]

He's too alluring for me to let go of, Todoroki internally sighed as something firm slithered up between his legs. Again? Katsuki, we just had sex. But... Every time. It's too good. He knows exactly how to make me feel so good. Every movement, every sound... I want it all. It wouldn't be the same with anyone else. I love him. Shit, it hurts. It burns. It'll be worth it... Hold on. Ah... Ah... Let him have every inch of you. But every time he fucks me, I feel this pit of selfishness grow like a weed. He began to softly moan through the pain cutting through his ass while he held Bakugou fast.

"Hngh..." Todoroki huffed as Bakugou's cock was shoved up his ass. "A-Ah! Augh... Nn, ngh. Hgh! Hah! Ah! Ah..." The searing pain ripping through his insides began to subside after another series of thrusting, adjusting, moaning, and the overwhelming pleasure that pulsed to his numb fingertips and distorted all but that syrupy, saccharine sensation of his insides being melted and churned like butter.

Bakugou aligned his thrusts with the interludes of swaying and stillness from Todoroki's hips as he grunted fervently. "Hngh! Ngh! Hn! Hg! Hh!" With one hand, he sandwiched Todoroki against him and the wall, and with the other, he avidly pumped Todoroki's iron erection.

I feel like I'm high, Todoroki thought as unadulterated ecstasy surged through his veins like a wildfire with each rough thrust that bombarded his body. Katsuki, oh, it feels so good. My thighs still ache from earlier, but Katsuki! It almost makes me forget the fact that I tried to kill myself not too long ago. Ugh, Katsuki, harder... Harder! A guttural groan lurched from the back of his throat, but it was severed and silenced by his sharp gasp.

"U-Ungh! Hgh! Ha-ah-oh!" Todoroki could feel his scorching, pulsating erection nearing its climax as it was frantically groped and stroked by Bakugou's deft fingers. "Ka-ah! Nn! Ka...hah...I-"

Through his throaty grunts and groans, Bakugou growled, "Cum..." With that, he began to mercilessly nail his cock into Todoroki's prostate so that all Todoroki could feel, see, and smell was the blinding pleasure jerking through his body.

Todoroki mewled at the piquant penetration of his domain of pleasure while squirting his tepid seed across Bakugou's hand and stomach. "Ha-ah!" he cried as he orgasmed and swiftly capitulated to the sensations hollowing out his senses. "Nn... Na-ah... Ah... Hah..." The perfervid bucking of his hips slowed into the limp jerking of his body from Bakugou's furious, rapid dick.

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