Chapter 10

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He sat at the small island, his fingers fiddling while Oran plopped his suitcase aside, then plopped down in front of him. "I'll try not to be so subtle about it...I am turning into a vampire," 

" Why? You don't have any bite-marks," 

"That's because I'm a full-born vampire, I'm just a late bloomer, that's all, as my grandfather seemed to stress...he said eventually, once my heart stops, the path of the vampire would take over and human things would no longer interest me as much as they use to...then I had Solomon whose a half-blood...I didn't really want to tell you yet because...I didn't want you to worry or become terrified...when I told Diana...well...she left, said she can keep...Solomon," whispered Oran, tongue rolling in his eyes and loosing eye-contact with him. "That pause indicated she called Solomon something horrible," he whispered back,

"Yeah...called him an abomination...that's why I was hesitant in telling you, I didn't...well...didn't want you to run off because of it or worse, get rather addicted," 

"What is there not to get addicted of you?" he said, Oran rolling his eyes at the slight sarcasm in his voice. "Well vampires have this thing where they can make someone have the best orgasm in their entire life, can be drugged in a good way, and all that kind of stuff," 

"But also to inflict an intense amount of pain," 

"Yeah...Jamie told me about...well, what happened to you...and I can already tell from when I first saw your arms and no other vampire around you were free yet had a disdain towards vampires in general...but for some reason, I couldn't help get closer and closer to you since we first met, like a deep pull...then I met Cordan, well he discovered me and pulled me aside when you weren't looking...said I was possibly a reincarnate of someone named Damphela," 

"Damphela...the names actually familiar," 

"He said it was...your past soul-mate who died in, as he says, mysterious circumstances...more like he didn't want to tell me," whispered Oran watching him closely. My...soul-mate...well, that explains it, he thought biting his lower lip. Oran took a deep breath before continuing. "And since my heart has stopped, you might end up seeing my dad who is more arrogant than a bull-," 

"I heard that!" came a call from the other side of the door making him jump. "No! Not now! Come back tomorrow I am in the middle of something extremely important right now," 

"Can't I at least see my grandson?" 

"When pigs fly you will!" snapped Oran, hearing laughter on the other side. "God damn it, of all the...ugggghhhh," groaned Oran rubbing his forehead. "Your dad sounds rather interesting,"  he said with a slight smile,

"Don't, you'll inflate his ego and he can hear about a mile or so away," said Oran massaging his forehead. He reached out and grasped Oran's hands. "Yes...I've had bad experiences with vampires, most in the memories I've long lost and some recently...but the only one who hasn't tried to kill me or make my life a living hell, is the one whose actually made me do a 1,000 tea dare that almost made me piss my pants, and the one person who manages to make me laugh," He said, Oran blushing a little. "And just because you've turned into a vampire is not going to make me run...because I will get lost and I don't have the energy or patience to run in this weirdly structure neighborhood," he said, Oran beaming a little at this. "Really," said Oran,

"I'm still here aren't I?" he said when he heard Solomon start to whimper on the baby monitor. "I got get your dad," he said getting to his feet and heading upstairs before yelping. A man stood at the top of the stairs with curly blonde hair dressed right out the 1700's. He nearly tripped but grabbed onto the side of the railing. "D-Dad!? For heavens sake, I was going to open the door!" 

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