Chapter 12

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He hated Dr. Z. 

He kept being given mini projects as if to distract him from the fact that he was kidnapped and Vandel was somewhere in chains in the building or castle, or wherever he was. He started counting the days even though he didn't see the sun sometimes or a clock for that matter. 

Sitting on the floor of his room, he snatched a screw-driver from Solomon's mouth. "Solomon, I swear, you can have your own screwdriver...made of harmless plastic, just not this one," he said having left all the small parts and pieces placed on the highest shelf he could find in the room. "Why give him plastic? What about wood?" said a voice that made his spine straighten and his heart skip a beat. "Just give him wooden toys and he'll be fine," said the voice again. Solomon was already moving towards the sound, squealing with joy. He twisted head to see Oran with binds around his wrists but a cocky smile on his face. Oran scooped Solomon up, hugging and kissing him. Slowly he stood, feeling incredibly weak in the legs. 

"Hello," whispered Oran already tearing up. He hoped over the couch and rammed right into Oran, all three of them falling to the ground. "What took you so long?" he whispered, burying his face in Oran's chest. "Sorry, I was being detained, dragged, and beaten the entire time," whispered Oran holding both of them close. He hugged Oran, refusing to budge even when thirty minutes almost passed. "I missed you, a lot," 

"I missed you too, you look pale," 

"I do?" he said slowly pulling his head back to look up at him. Oran nodded. Sitting up, he rubbed the tears from his eyes. "What's been going on since I last saw you?" he said, Oran sitting up, Solomon sniffing Oran in interest. "Well, if you must know...they've declared military shut-down, no one goes in or out without any clearance...they kidnapped everyone in your town and brought them here, and I mean everyone and their families...Sergeant is with us and he's managed to keep everyone from having a panic attack, and then they dragged me in here, literally, dragged me," said Oran, his back straightening. "Where's the device?" 

"I don't know, they nerve let me out of this room and to top it off, I don't know where Vandel is. If I leave he'll hurt Solomon, if I speak when I leave this room he'll hurt Solomon...anything and he'll hurt your dad or Solomon. He just enjoys playing with my head though," he said sitting back and rubbing his forehead. Oran kissed him, almost as if to wash away his worry. "Lets sweat the small stuff later, besides, I doubt my dad is even chained up, probably just chilling in their basement," 

"Probably, what in the world are you doing," 

"Can't help it, it's been too long since I last saw you," said Oran getting up. He watched Oran plop Solomon down then suddenly cover the entire crib. "What in the world-," he began, getting to his feet and walking to Oran when suddenly he was lifted off the ground. He yelped, Oran carrying him to the bed. "Really!? This is not the time-," 

"Oh this is a very good time right now," said Oran plopping him down with a grin. "I've made an executive decision. I'm going to marry you and you are never leaving my side again," 


"We are definitely going to have kids and if we don't beat the crap out of Dr. Z then they most certainly will," said Oran holding up a silver ring and sliding it on his finger. He was to shock to even speak or talk back. His mouth opened and closed until Oran kissed him hard. "Shut up and enjoy," said Oran. He raised an eyebrow but didn't argue.

He woke with his hair tussled and a whining from somewhere. Brushing hair from the corner of his eye he slowly sat up, his gaze landing on a covered crib. Pulling the cover off, he saw Solomon looking up with his pacifier and tears. "Hi," he said looking down and realizing his close where discarded around the bed. Pulling the covers a little, he reached down and lifted Solomon up. Leaning back he hugged Solomon who held onto him, sniffing a little. "Go back to sleep," grumbled Oran, an arm looping around his waist and pulling him close. "I can't go to sleep if Solomon is crying, since you decided to put a cover over his baby pen," 

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