Chapter 3: Last night

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Chapter 3: Last night

The night before..

I am not gonna get wasted, I promised myself as I exit the elevator. I decided to come at the party an hour after it began. After concluding I didnt have anything else to do.

So this is the rooftop, huh? It has a swimming pool at the center and a mini bar at the right side. There's even a DJ playing th music. Because the theme is "Beach", most girls are wearing bikini and guys are shirtless.

However, I just came on my tank top and shorts. I was a bit excited before but now, I have no idea why I am here. Although, it did say it was required. Psh.

The place is pretty full. Noise was scattered everywhere, from the loud music to the voices of conversations. Im not gonna be surprised if there will be a noise complaint sooner or later. I pushed my way towards the mini bar.

"Rum, please." I said to the bartender. "One rum coming right up." I waited for my order as I stare at the people having the time of their lives. I was like that back then. Living in the moment.

A person can actually change in a short amount of time. Just one month ago I was this happy-go-lucky girl because I thought I had everything I could ever ask for. But then, I was wrong. I never thought I'd be this cold-hearted btch who doesnt give a damn for the world.

I wish I could go back and save myself the trouble. But what's done is done. All I could ever do is move forward. But why do I feel like Im stuck. That even if I went as far away as possible, the wounds still remain.

Lost in my thoughts, the bartender placed my order in front of me. "New here?" I looked at the bartender with an accent. His chocolates eyes reminded me him. "Uh, yeah."

"It figures. Never seen you here before." I took a gulp from my drink but it didnt waver me a little. I thought a little chit chat with a friendly stranger wont hurt. Besides, Im all alone here. "Transferred on my second year."

"You dont seem the friendly type as well."

"I know." Someone called for him and he attended other costumers. I keep myself busy while I stare at the nightsky and empty my glass. The sky was was bare, no stars. Just a full moon. I loved the full moon. It was our hobby, staring at the stars at night.

"Kachyyy..hic." The beautiful yet sad image became ugly when I heard that jerk's drunk voice in the background. I also came because this guy kept pestering me two hours before the party even started.

"Dont call me that. And what do you want this time?!" I said in a stern yet calm voice. "Lech party wand have fuuuun, hic." I facepalm. He's already drunk, it's just been one hour. "Go away."

He wrapped his arms on my shoulders and said "To the pool!" with his other hand up like he's flying. It's funny, it reminds me of something. Or someone. I removed his arms on my shoulders and let him sit beside me. "Behave or I'll knock you out before alcohol does."

The bartender went back and chuckled. "I was just gone for a while and you already made a friend? And a drunk one at that." I rolled my eyes. "He's not my friend. More rum, please."

We talked a bit more about each other but we never told each other our names. I knew that he was from Texas. That explains the slight country accent. And that he's working here because he doesnt have money to pay rent. And that he also is a scholar at Yale. He also got used to my cold attitude. Sometimes giving snide remarks.

While chattering, the man beside me would sometimes randomly wake up and act like a kid. I asked for a vodka cause the rum was just too light for me. I had one drink too many.

"...Why do guysh cheat?" I asked the bartender. "Not all guys cheats." He insisted. "Nooo, all of yoush are the shhhame. Hic."

"You're too drunk. I guess it cant be helped, let's get you to your room. Hey, you, do you know where her room is?" He asked the man beside me. "Ashpiriin.."


"What happened last night was... I was asleep the whole time. I didnt get to party because you."

Well look st this man, blaming me. "It's because you drank too much. Why are you blaming me?!" He smirked and said "Just cause. Oh I do remember that instead of going to your room, I said my room instead cause I didnt know your password. You also puked all over yourself."

I hid my face out of embarrassmrnt. "You've got to be kidding me.." After promising myself I wont get wasted. "So that's why I was half naked. Wait, did he undress me himself??"

"I do remember that he called out a girl nearby to undress you, she was just walking by. Although, I would if you asked me to." He wink. "You're gross." I replied coldly. "What was her name again? Erica? Emily? That guy asked her name- ohh, I remember, Elenour."

"Then I slept on the bed with you? Half naked?" I wanted to puke when the images started to form. "No, i remember the guy throwing me off to my sofa. In my own house." He said rather annoyed.

"Good. I didnt expect you to be at all helpful, but thanks." I stood up. "You can say thanks?" He sounded amused like a kid got his first toy with sparkling eyes. I punched his arm. "Jerk." He covered his arm while faking hurt. "Ouuuch, why so violent?"

I ignored his rant and walked towards the door to leave. I wonder why the name Elenour sounded familiar like I heard it before, somewhere.

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