Chapter 1: Remove all possible contacts.

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Chapter 1: New Place, New People.

The summer, with the hint of spring, breeze gently combs through my hair sending them flying everywhere. I slid my hair behind my ear for the nth time to keep it in place. My thoughts went flying back to the place I'm heading to, Connecticut. I have been driving for an hour now and my GPS is slightly messing with me. The place itself is foreign to me. Sure, I have set foot there through some connecting flights before but never been there to explore the place. This will be my first time. And apparently, I'm gonna spend the rest of my college life there.

Two and a half hours after hitting the road, I finally reached the parking space of a 5-storey house, scratch that mansion. A few fancy cars was laid parking beside my Peugeot 208. The exteriors don't look so bad.

As soon as I entered, my eyes landed on a desk with a petite Asian lady, whose name is Jessy according to her name tag, standing behind it. She welcomed me with a smile. I greeted it back with a smile that never reached my eyes. Ever since what happened to me a month ago I can't seem to be friendly anymore.

"Can I help you?" She didn't seem to notice my discomfort because her voice sounded more friendly. "I.. Uh, I'm gonna ask where my room is?" That sounded more like a question to me. "Who's it entitled for?" Her voice didn't falter one bit. She glanced at me like she's trying to remember someone and shook her head. "Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn de Gaio." Her cute little Asian eyes widened for a moment like she finally recognizes me. I waited patiently as she typed my name on her computer. "Flat 82. 4th floor. Here's your key."

I took the key. And headed towards the elevator. I wasn't surprised they call it flat. I googled this place and found out that it was complete with everything and it's pretty spacious. I bet this place is made for rich people to socialize. I mentally rolled my eyes at the thought.

Once inside the flat, I inhaled a lungful of air as it slowly hit me. I'm finally becoming independent and my wish for freedom is coming true. Free from a chaotic household. Free from my dysfunctional family. Free from my haunting past. But I couldn't feel less lonely. A tear rolled down on my left cheek. I harshly brushed it off with the back of my hand. This is what I wanted. I thought. And I need to stand by those words.

After unpacking, I was amazed by how spacious the room is for a single person to live in. There's a kitchen with dining area, living room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. That's enough for me.

I was almost drifting to sleep inside the bathtub when my doorbell rang. I rinsed myself in haste, a little bit annoyed with the impatient and unexpected visitor.

I opened my door with confusion written all over my face. "Uhm, who are you?" I managed to ask lamely. A brunet man with lean body, strong jawline, slightly tanned skin, and charming face was standing before me. I wondered how I managed to notice all that in such a short amount of time. I just shrugged.

"Jake. And I'm here to inform you with something." He uttered with a sturdy voice. I nodded in acknowledgement.

After a long deafening silence I decided to speak "Well...?" with demand. "Well, aren't you gonna let me in?" He said, eyes filled with amusement. Oh so he was green eyes that changes to a hue of blue harmonically. Okay so one, he was a stranger. Two, mom always told me not to let strangers in.

"How about a no? You can tell me here and now." I shrugged like a bitch. I mean it was true. We don't need to get inside be all comfortable while drinking a cup of coffee.

He laughed for a second, holding his stomach, head slightly tilted backwards. "Chill," both of his hands were held in front of me for defense. "No need to be all bitchy towards me. I'm here to inform you that there will be a party tomorrow night, two days before school starts-" I immediately cut him mid sentence. "Where?" I ask trying to hide my sudden excitement. "At the party floor- I'm guessing you're new here? Never seen you before. It's on the top floor. This year's theme is Beach."

"Okay.." He looked at me hopefully like he 's waiting for me to say something. "Well...?" I said for the second time. "Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" He asked. "Oh. Kaitlyn April. But I prefer to be called April."

"Katty," I shot him a glare for his disobedience. The last thing I needed was a reminder of my past. He chuckled lightly, amusement never removed. "Uh, April, can't wait to see you in bikini." He said with a wink. I mentally facepalmed. Guys like this just wanna get inside your pants.

"Jerk." Was the only thing I could think of saying at the moment. I lightly shoved his chest hinting him to leave my sight immediately.

He chukled in response. "That's Jake. See you tomorrow, April."


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