Chapter 4: Flashbacks

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Chapter 4: Flashbacks

Six years ago...

"Come on, Katty." Brent grabbed my wrist and forcibly pulled me towards an ocean of unfamiliar faces. I was finally in high school. Everyone has this vision on how your first day as freshman would be like. Interacting with new faces, adjusting to new places. But unfortunately, my social skills never ceased to disappoint me. I am currently being dragged by my childhood friend aka best friend towards the entrance of our school.

"I'm kinda nervous." I told him honestly. Curse my anxieties. He let go of my wrist and faced me. "What's there to be nervous about? It's about time you get out of your shell, Katty." Giving me one of those heart swooning smile of his with a glint of reassurance. I smiled back. "I don't know what I'll do without you."

As we passed by the bulletin board, I saw a large announcement that said 'Freshmen are asked to report to the Auditorium for the Orientation'. "Hey," I nudge his elbow. "It says we should head to the auditorium." He glanced at the board and said "To the auditorium!" loudly with matching fist in the air. I chuckled at how weird he can be sometimes.

The auditorium was packed with freshmen. The room was slightly noisy with everyone having their own conversation. Brent and I found a seat in the left side of the back. "Mind if we sit here?" Brent ask a pretty girl with blonde locks. Her eyes shifted from the girl she's talking with to Brent to mine. "No, we don't!" She sound rather excited. "Uhm, thanks." I mumbled.

We sat comfortably in our seats. Soon after, the principal climbed the stage and started blabbering about school regulations and curriculum. The noise died down a little but there was no doubt that most of us, eager to get out of here soon. I, in particular, wasn't really paying much attention to what he was saying after ten minutes after the orientation started. I searched for my phone in my pocket and took it out. I played with 2048 for a bit and eventually got bored.

I glanced at Brent and found a sleeping Brent. Holding my laughter, i held my phone in the air facing it towards sleeping Brent and me with a wacky pose. I uploaded it on some social net like twitter and facebook. I also upload it on a blog I started a month ago.

The orientation lasted for a day. They handed us our schedule by the end of it. Not a very eventful first day. Except for that parts where that blonde girl keeps interrupting my converstaion with Brent. Classes will officially start tomorrow.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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