Chapter 1

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I sit in my bedroom window looking out onto the water. Outer Banks is beautiful. I couldn't have asked for a better place to stay now that my parents are gone. Ever since I got here I've been trying to stay optimistic and see the good in everything. I was in an awful depressed state after my parents died and I don't want to go back there so I try to keep myself as happy as possible and think about my parents as little as possible. It's the only thing keeping me from curling up in bed and never coming out of my room again.

I hear a knock at my bedroom door and go to answer it. When I open the door Topper stands there in his golfing attire, looking down at me.

"I'm going golfing with Rafe and Kelce. You have to come because my mom doesn't want you home alone"

Rafe and Kelce. I haven't met Topper's friends yet and to be completely honest, I don't want to. Ever since Topper started hanging out with them he has been drinking and taking drugs. I don't want Topper to do anything stupid and get himself in trouble but that's exactly what's going to happen if he keeps hanging out with those bad influences.

"Okay." I answer, getting up to go grab my golfing bag from the closet.

"Great. Meet you in the car." Topper says and then turns on his heel to leave.

I walk over to my closet and open the door to reveal a mess of scattered clothes and shoes. I've never been a very organized person and my aunt hates that. If she were to ever see my closet she would probably have a heart attack. I find my golf clubs and pull them out. My aunt and uncle gave them to me as a gift a couple years ago and I've never used them before. I'm not very good at golf so I don't even try and play.

I walk quickly out to the car with my clubs over my shoulder and shove them in the back seat before slipping into the passenger seat besides Topper.

Without a word we pull out of the driveway and drive to the country club.

We park near the back of the parking lot and standing by the front door are only who I can imagine being Rafe and Kelce waiting for Topper. I can't tell which is Rafe and which is Kelce, but one of the boys is very attractive. He has brown middle-parted hair and blue eyes. He is tall and intimidating and suddenly I feel nervous and really hope these aren't Topper's friends because I don't know if I can face that boy with out my legs giving out just looking at him.

We get out of the car and Topper waves to the boys by the front door. I hold my breath as the boys hesitantly wave back, a confused expression on their faces as we make our way over to them. Topper must not have told them I was coming.

"Hey Rafe," Topper says, looking at the brown haired boy, "hey Kelce." He says, turning to the other boy.

So the brown haired boy is Rafe. I look at him and see the way he is looking me up and down with a smirk. It makes my entire body feel hot and uncomfortable because I don't know if he is scrutinizing me or checking me out.

"Who's this?" Rafe asks, licking the edge of his lips. Okay, defenitely checking me out.

"This is my cousin Claire." Topper says, setting his hand on my shoulder. "She's the one I told you about who will be living here with me from now on."

A knowing look flashes over both Rafe and Kelce's face as they seem to recall Topper saying something about that.

"Will she be golfing with us?" Rafe asks, looking at me with an amused expression.

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