a gift from the stars

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Trans Draco   Female Draco   Fluff


Based on the prompt - "Take a breath, you can do this." - Drarry

by unconditional_potter (orphan_account)


Draco sat cross-legged on the couch, his hands  fidgeting in his lap whilst watching his boyfriend, who was reading  from across him. His thoughts were whirling at 100 miles an hour, and he  was too nervous to put them in order. The two of them were sitting  alone in the eighth year common room, where Draco initially worked on  his Charms homework, before he became distracted at the inevitable  conversation he needed to have with Harry.

"Hey, Harry. I need to  talk to you about something." Draco spoke, disrupting the silence that  previously filled the air. Harry nodded at Draco's question without  looking up from his book, not picking up on Draco's serious tone. Draco  nudged Harry's leg with his foot, trying to get the other's attention.  Harry shut his book, looking up at his boyfriend and noted his rather  sincere expression. Harry sat the book down on the small coffee table in  front of him, and stood to pull his boyfriend from the couch into his  lap on the armchair. Once the pair were settled comfortably, Harry  encouraged Draco to go on.

"Well, I, uh- Oh Merlin, I don't know  how to say this because I'm scared of your reaction, and what if you  don't like what I'm about to say and you leave me and I'll be by myself  for the rest of my life living in a small and cheap flat with 10 cats  and-" Draco started to ramble as tears gathered in his eyes at the  thought of Harry leaving him, but was stopped as Harry covered his mouth  with an amused expression.

"Babe, stop rambling. I can promise  you that I'm not going to leave you, unless you're trying to tell me  that you've murdered someone. Maybe even then I'll stay with you to help  you clean up the mess." Harry stated with a wink, before a soft smile  took over his face and he wiped at the stray tears that fell from his  boyfriend's eyes, before adding "But seriously, you know you can tell me  anything. Take a breath, you can do this."

With a small nod, Draco took in a deep breath, before delving into his confession.

"So,  I've been talking to Pansy a lot lately, and I told her a few things  about myself that I haven't told anyone else, because it's something  that I didn't think I could do anything about. Well, we did some  research, and she showed me that I can do something, and I just- I hope  this doesn't change the way you think about me or how you see me, so I-  uh." He stopped, nervous to continue, before Harry gently encouraged her  to keep going. "I'm- I'm transgender, I think Pansy called it. It just  means that I was born a boy, but I've always felt like a girl. I never  really knew how to act on it, so I kind of just hid it, but you know how  Pansy is, I can't hide anything from her. So, she found out, and she  was really supportive and helped me figure everything out." Draco ended,  lowering his gaze, afraid to see disappointment or disgust in Harry's  eyes. Harry, however, lifted Draco's gaze to meet his own.

"So,  you've worked yourself up because you thought I'd leave you?" Harry  questioned, his answer coming in the form of a subtle nod from Draco.

"Well,  I have to say that you can't get rid of me that easily. I don't even  know why you thought I'd leave you in the first place, I'm bi, not gay.  But, I love you for who you are, you snarky little princess." Harry said  with a cheeky wink, relieving some of the tension from Draco's  shoulders.

Harry shifted Draco's body so that Draco was now  straddling him, and looked into his eyes before continuing. "So that  would now mean you're my girlfriend, but what about everything else?  Have you thought of a name?" Harry asked, genuinely curious.

"I  remember talking to my mum a few years ago about what she was going to  name me if I was born a girl, and I kind of took a liking to Lyra." Lyra  admitted, fumbling with the hem of Harry's jumper.

"I love that  name, babe. It's very you. And I'm glad that you felt comfortable  telling me this. I love you, my princess." Harry said, pulling Lyra into  his chest for a hug, and kissing her forehead.

They lay there for a few minutes, before Harry abruptly gasped and Lyra shot up to look at the cause of Harry's change in mood.

"We  get to go shopping! A whole new wardrobe for you! Merlin, I'm excited!  We're going to go tomorrow, and I'm going to take you around London, and  we're going to every shop and then we'll come back and burn everything  that you don't want. Oh, I'm so excited!" Harry squealed, and Lyra  laughed at her boyfriends expression, and kissed him fondly.

"You're  such a prat, you know? But you're lucky that you're my prat." Lyra  remarked, lying back down on her boyfriend's chest, embracing the warmth  that emanated from his body. His arms wrapped around her tightly,  before he kissed the shell of her ear.

"Now, does my baby want to go to bed?" Harry purred into Lyra's ear, and chuckled as she shivered.

"Yes, Daddy." Lyra replied, gazing up through her eye lashes.

"Good  girl, let's go baby, and I'll show you how proud I am of you." Harry  winked, before standing up, holding Lyra in his arms, making their way  to their dorm room.

Lyra looked up at her boyfriend, and wondered  how she could be so lucky to have someone as great, and nice, and  accepting as Harry was. She thanked the stars for gifting her someone  like Harry, and made them a promise that she would never take advantage  of him.

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