Harry Potter Knew How To Make Him Agitated

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this is inspired by a fanfic in which harry ignores draco and draco comes angry to him ;3

By theamazingboggart on Wattpad


Harry Potter was ignoring him!

Harry Pottah was ignoring him!

He had the audacity to do that!

How dare he!

Draco Malfoy would make him pay! He will!

So now, he was talking to Pansy Parkinson. Eugh, the ugly, pug-faced girl. Through, he was only talking to her because she had very crazy and dark ideas. He would make Potter pay! No one could ever ignore Draco Malfoy and get away with it!

"Parkinson, hurry up! I haven't got time to lose Pottah! I'm not gonna lose just because of your slouchiness! (is it spelled right? qwq)((i think))

"Yeah, I have the perfect plan!" She purred. "How about you go and ask the Weasel and Mudblood that you have to ask him something about Defense Against The Dark Arts. And when they leave, you do a bunch of hexes and curses on him?"

Draco Malfoy was shocked! Even he couldn't have made the plan. This plan was absolutely brilliant! "Thanks Parkinson, I'll make sure to do you a favour, alright?" He purred, she had a crush on him in fourth year but he wouldn't give himself up to her that time. She would surely say yes!

"Okay, Draco," cooed Parkinson. "Bye!"

"See you later, Parkinson."

He left the common room in a rush. this plan was absolutely foolproof!

After he left, Pansy smirked. 'It was definitely too easy to make him to this. Though, I guess that's good.' She thought, grinning.

It was fairly easy to find the Trio. They were talking and they clearly just had a class finished now. They also had a free period. Expect Granger. She seemed like she was in a hurry.

"Hey SaInT pOtTaH!"

The Golden Trio turned around, their smiles faltering.

"What do you want now, Malfoy!?" Weasley spat, clearly fed up with him.

Granger was in a hurry, it seemed Draco had been right. The Mudblood had to go to a class. "Guys, I- uh-, have to go to class- bye!" She said, she seemed to have almost miss a class. Who knows though, she had always been the first to go anywhere.

"Oh okay, 'Mione. Harry and I will take care of the Ferret."

"I am right here you know, Weasel! If you want to fight, then let's fight!" Draco growled.

Granger already left when he said that. 'good.' He thought, he didn't want to get punched again.

"So, what do you want, Malfoy?" Weasley sneered.

Draco had to get into acting. "I-I uh... wanted to ask Po- Pottah to help me with DADA. I don't carefully understand it," Draco said, putting on his innocent and cute expression.


"I'll go."

The Weasley looked shocked. Even Draco was shocked. But I kept my mask in place. "Are you sure Harry?"

"Yea.. I- uh will go.... with him. It's fine Ron, you don't have to wa- wait for me here." Potter's voise cracked.

"Thanks...," Draco said, putting on his most shy and cute voice, with overly large eyes.

"Bu- But- ! Oh, FINE! You can go with him."

"Can we go somewhere to study?" Draco asked.

"Y-Yes... okay. We- We can...," Potter said, blushing.


When they came into an empty classroom, Potter put a silencing charm on. Draco didn't know why, but he didn't ask since it was in his favour.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Potter asked, smirking.

"WHY HAVE YOU BEEN IGNORING ME!?" I shouted. I didn't care, there was a silencing charm on.

"What are you talking about? I haven't been ignoring you."


"Fine, yes. I have been ignoring you." Harry admitted, having a cheeky smile on his face.


"Why?" Harry asked, voice suddenly growing husky.

"YES! Why have YOU been ignoring ME!?"

"You really want to ask that, huh?" Potter had a smirk on his face and he stepped forward while Draco took a step back. Draco kept walking backward until he hit the wall.

"Why I have been avoiding you is because," Potter's voice became huskier and huskier, his hands pressing onto Draco's back. His neck, his waist, and his arse. His grip became firmer and Draco's arse was being cupped by him. That was when, realisation dawned on Draco.

"W-What!?" His cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were wide.

"I ignored you, because I knew you would be agitated, and would want to get back at me. I have been dreaming of fucking you, baby, you are so hot. I wanna thrust my cock into your arsehole and make you cum. You are so, so hot. You do not know what you do to me. But, once you finally let me suck that cock of yours and let me thrust into you, you will not be able to walk for a century, baby. I will fuck you until you cannot even sit, or even lay down without it hurting. You're so hot and cute, and beautyful, and gorgeous. You will only be mine and no one else will take you from me. And no one I swear, will ever hurt you, or they will die a very painful death. No one will use you, and you will allow me to fuck you, I have had so many fantasies in which you are moaning my name, but real life will be even better." During all this, Draco's eyes were wide and flushing.

"Now, let's see you lose your virginity by me. I will make you love me so much, baby."

Harry pulled out his wand and said a spell that made Draco naked. Draco was so shocked that he didn't even move from his position and let Harry see everything of his. And, like Harry said, Draco was so gorgeous and perfect. There was no flaw in his skin, nothing. It was shining like the sun.

Five Hours Later

"Harry...," moaned Draco.

"...ah-ahhh.. Harry... fuck me! ....please hurry..!" Panted Draco, this had been going on for five hours, yet Harry still didn't want to lose Draco so fast. And Draco didn't either.

'I should probably thank Hermione and Ron for leaving me alone and Parkinson for making Draco a 'plan',' thought Harry, thanking Merlin that he had Ron and Hermione as friends, and Parkinson as an ally.

'Everything was going to be alright.' this was something both of them thought. That they would be okay and that everything else would be okay.

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