Harry's obsession

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Intersex Draco   Smut


At the beginning of their Eighth Year Harry is just as obsessed with Draco Malfoy as before. But thankfully, this time, it yields better results.

by bumble_Bree on oa3


Harry was obsessed with Draco Malfoy all over again.

Eight year had finally begun and barely two days in and Harry couldn't understand why he was so completely obsessed with Draco Malfoy again. It was not as though Malfoy was behaving suspiciously or disappearing very often. In fact Malfoy seemed to have completely changed in the few months since the war ended.

He would always keep his head low and keep to himself, barely even interacting with Pansy Parkinson or Blaise Zabini. Harry would see him during classes, at meal times, and in the eighth year common room during their free time. When Malfoy wasn't around, Harry would search for him on the Marauder's map and find him either in the library or in his room. He seemed to have become a new person altogether and Harry thought that maybe that's the reason he found Malfoy so intriguing.

"I don't think you need much reason to be obsessed with Malfoy, Harry," Hermione said one evening in the common room as tried to start on the piles of homework they already had.

"That's right," Ron sniggered. "He's Malfoy. That's the reason you're obsessed with him."

Harry blushed but gave them both an irritable look and put away the Marauder's map. He tried to finish an essay for Charms but after barely an hour found himself too preoccupied to continue. Packing his bag, he announced he was going to bed and bid them both goodnight, heading up to his room.

He gathered his pyjamas and toiletry kit before heading to the bathrooms for a shower, his mind still somewhere far away, wondering what Malfoy was upto. When he got to the bathrooms, he got his answer.

There was nobody else in the huge room and steam was floating out of one of the shower stalls, indicating that someone had just finished using it. Without making a sound, Harry tiptoed further in and saw Malfoy, completely naked, standing with one foot on one of the benches, moving his wand along his raised leg as it shaved the hair off. Harry recognised the depilatory spell he was using as the one he knew women most often used for their body hair, the spell for men slightly more harsh as it was for their rough beards and facial hair.

Harry stared at the way Malfoy's whole body glistened from the steam, hairless and without a single blemish. His hair was damp and cutely messy from being towel dried. He also had the most perfect arse Harry had ever seen in his life.

Harry's mouth watered staring at that arse, round and rather plump for someone as thin and rather small as Malfoy. Harry himself had shot up in the last year or so, easily clearing Malfoy's own height, and more than twice as broad. In the summer post the war Harry focused all his trauma and frustration into exercise and found that he enjoyed bulking up his muscles.

Harry felt smug and powerful in every way compared to Malfoy, who was even skinnier than he used to be, and rather frail looking. Harry found that he rather liked Malfoy like this.

Then Malfoy bent further, shaving around his ankles, and Harry suddenly could see Malfoy's rosy pink arsehole. It looked unbelievably tight and Harry suddenly felt a ravenous urge to taste it. He felt as though he might surely lose his mind unless he could touch and taste, lick and suck and eat that pretty, pink hole.

His cock was completely hard now and his mouth watered as he stared at Malfoy's arsehole, wondering what would happen if he were to lock the door and just bend Malfoy over the bench, sucking and licking his arsehole until he was loose enough for Harry to fuck.

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