Winter has called you [and me]

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Christmas fic   Smut   Mpreg   Soulmate AU   Muggle AU

Writer note:

Merry christmas guys,  i hope you guys have or had an amazing christmas (i celebrate christmas today (the 25th) so that why i wanted to upload this fanfic today) oh and if you don't celebrate christmas i just hope you have and amazing day! You guys are amazing when I first uploaded this I thought like only 10 people or so were going to read this now like thousands of people read this, so I never saw this coming, I really hope I make you guys happy with my stories, because I always get happy when I see people reading it or voting it knowing , I am making you guys happy!


Draco decided to visit his aunt in the countryside to be a little bit away from the city. While going back, he didn't notice a snow storm was coming, trapping him in the snow a few cities away from his aunt's house. He didn't expect a handsome man to save him. He also didn't expect Harry to be his soulmate.

by PollyWeasley on oa3


Draco knew he should've waited at least for the weather to clear out before trying to come back home from his aunt's countryside house. He was eager to come back home, though, to the comfort of his city flat and WiFi connection. He was 26, self-employed, writing and publishing eBooks at his own pace, and with the rate of his writing and the amount of books he had published already, he was doing well for himself, earning a nice amount of money. He had decided to give himself some holidays, to be a few days away from the chaotic city rhythm, but three days was quite enough.

He should have waited though, because he was now in the middle of bloody nowhere, his wheels deep in snow, and the sky getting darker and darker.

He tried to get out of the snow again, but to no avail. Draco was deep, utterly fucked.

The writer sighed, looking around and pressing his car horn again and again. Draco looked around, waiting for someone to help him. He cursed, feeling the chill of the weather seeping through his body even though the heater on his car was working. He really hoped he didn't have to dig the fucking snow with his bare hands and push the car just so he could leave – and be stopped again only a few meters ahead. The snow was getting deeper and the sky heavier with brooding clouds and falling snow.

Draco rested his head on the car's direction, cursing himself once again. He should've waited, but no... He was a stupid city boy wanting to come back to his computer games and his books. He didn't know how long he was there, throwing a pity party, but the sound of someone knocking on his window made him raise his head.

It was a man, covered in heavy winter clothes from his head to his toes. He was even using a mask, but Draco could see thick dark eyebrows, the man's eyes squinting as he tried to see inside.

"Are you okay?! Do you need help?" The man spoke, his voice muffled by the closed windows and snow.

"My car is stuck in the snow, I can't move," Draco said from the inside, and the man looked behind Draco's car to his own truck, the wheels well prepared for deep snow. The car was tall and powerful, and Draco knew that here was a man who came prepared to help.

"There's no way you can go to the city with the weather like this!" The man almost screamed at the other side. "My house is just a few meters from here. I'll park your car there and you can spend the night. I think the weather might be better tomorrow."

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