[4] Coffee Drenched

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The trio went to the cafeteria to get at least some of the good food before the others got their dirty hands on it.

Sprinting to get in line, they may be lucky but not that fortunate this time.

They saw the Quarterbacks in line... Oh God these men look like wearing diapers but on their shoulders Tommy thought to himself while still waiting.

Ranboo yawns as the line hasn't even been moved a single step, it's getting bucked with students by the looks of it.

They see a kid get off the line in front by the Quarterbacks pressuring him, it was wearing a purple jacket.

"One day you'll lose you idiots!!" Screamed the kid fixing his jacket and grabbing his juice box off the floor.

The Quarterbacks that are in front of Tubbo started laughing at the poor kid.

Tubbo is indeed a short man but still has a high respect and pushed someone in front of him "Get moving we don't have all day man." Irritated while crossing his arms.

The kid in the purple hoodie smiled at Tubbo, he smiled back at him and the kid ran out of the cafeteria.

Some of the Quarterbacks moved forward but one of them didn't.

Tubbo looked annoyed and said "Hey move all of us are hungryyy" looking at the not moving quarterback.

He looked behind him to see a small brunette telling him what to do, it was the leader of the Quarterbacks.

Tubbo realizes and chuckles nervously but to his surprised finally moved forward.

Finally, they've gotten the sweet stuff of food. The trio finally gets some peace and starts eating at their usual table.

Ranboo, drinking his lovely drink that he always bought, noticed one of the quarterbacks coming running at them at full speed.

"Guys is that dude going towards us or?-" the quarterback slammed their desk and cause the cafeteria to quiet.

The trio looked irritated yet anxious.
What could he possibly want now?

The quarterback took Tubbo's food and threw it across the room including Ranboo's drink.

"Dude I was gonna finish that" Ranboo looking at his spilled drink on the floor.

Tommy tapped on the table, the other two knew what's gonna happen. The trio smiled at the angry quarterback.

"What are you smiling about?! Are you smiling that you're gonna get beaten to death aren't you?!" Smirked the quarterback getting ready to throw them.

Tommy tapped the table twice. The trio got up and ran out of the cafeteria.

The quarterback followed them as well.

The trio went separate ways and the quarterback ran after Ranboo instead.
Little did he know he's getting into a big mess.

Ranboo sends a quick text, preferably a coffee emoji. The two got the notification and went on a search.

"You little rascal come here you baby!" Screamed the quarterback. Ranboo put out his younger brother and continued to run.

----- - -

Mr. WasTaken and Mr. Davidson talking and drinking coffee by the school door in the 3rd floor of the school.

Sipping his coffee and asked Me. WasTaken "How are those three kids lately?" Curiously since it's been 2 years since they've seen them.

"Don't know, all I heard they sprayed Brad's face with spray paint earlier" calmly answering him.

"Spray paint? Isn't that hard to remove?" Raising his eyebrow.

"Well he had to skip one class to remove half of it at least" and then an idea popped out.

"Wanna go and see Bad?" Giggled Mr. WasTaken, Mr. Davidson rolled his eyes and nodded.

Walking to the hallways while laughing about something they came across a tall student with a quarterback behind it.

Ranboo screamed and it made the two teachers jump and the coffee spilled onto the quarterback's helmet and accidentally snorted it.

Ranboo continued running as the other two kicked the screaming quarterback due to how hot the coffee was.

The quarterback fell and continued to scream.

Ranboo waited for the two and laughed while having another high five.

Soon enough after they ran up to the detention room the two teachers in shock looked at the screaming quarterback.

"Holy mother fuckers--" Mr. Davidson said while frozen.

Mr. WasTaken facepalms since he was the one coaching the team. "George, let's help this child to the nurse's office".

Mr. Davidson snapped out while he helped Mr. WasTaken to get the coffee drenched child.

"He's so heavy what the hell" complained Mr. Davidson as he struggled to help it.

----- - -
In the detention room the trio laughed, it took so long to get back at those bastards and finally they got what they deserved.

Tommy laughing so hard he started coughing "HIS FUCKING CRYING FACE" as he continued laughing about it.

"Who would've thought coffee was the best way to baptise his brain cells?!" Screamed Ranboo while laughing so hard.

Two teachers came into the detention room, it's their old freshman teachers. The detention trio are in their Junior years now.

It was silent for a brief moment well
Mr. WasTaken and Davidson were here.

Ranboo rubbed his neck "Soo... You want coffee?" Smiled slightly.

The Detention Club [Troublemaker! Bench Trio]Where stories live. Discover now