[12] Bus Spray

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The three may not be blood related and yet have a brotherly relationship with one another and be treated as a family rather than another friend that they're not gonna see ever again.

They left the house and it was around six twenty am.

The school the three were enrolled in didn't have a bus to pick students up everyday from their own houses.

Other public schools may have one but this one didn't since they were declined by the government to pay them fairly unfortunately.

Tommy and Tubbo were talking about the movie the three had watched last night.

Ranboo still fixing his can of spray cap since he accidentally stepped on his while grabbing his bag before getting outside.

As the three were waiting at the bus stop Tubbo see's a familiar face.

He squinted his eyes to only see the quarterback that they've thrown coffee on with his mother drinking some sort of Starbucks.

He looked over Tommy and Ranboo, he looked worried for half a moment "Fuck the sissy baby is here" loudly said.

"The fucking what?" He looked around them, Tubbo pointed at the quarterback with bandages all around his face and coffee coloured stains.

"Didn't he like the free baptism?" Nervously chuckles as they try not to get attention from him.

Ranboo looked up while continuing trying to cover up his black spray bottle "What's a 'sissy baby'?" Confused since he didn't really listen to what they were talking about.

Tubbo points at the quarterback again as Ranboo looks at the poor quarterback with a pinch of pity.

It's not their fault that the stupid quarterback member picked on a freshman.

A bus finally came and they entered. They paid and were finding a seat for the three of them.

The three looking around Tubbo saw a hurried blonde mother with her child running towards the bus they were in.

The mother was paying the bus driver and he looked at the son. It was him.

Tubbo quietly swore and eventually got in the backseat with the other two. There was this old man sleeping in the middle of the bus.

The quarterback and his mother sat really near them without noticing.

The three got timid since he's with his mom now, you can't mess with Karen's since they make the situation worse.

There are 3 stops before they arrive at school, which takes almost 20 minutes or less depending on the people coming this early.

The detention trio were in the very backseat sweating, hiding their faces and distracting themselves.

Few minutes in, the bus driver looked like he had enough of everything and didn't give a shit if he got into a crash and died.

"Honey pie Jared, remember what we've taught you?" The boy nodded fast, smiling excitedly.

The mother smiles while wiping her vibrant red and pink shade mix glasses. "Tell me what it is then."

"Tell them to stop bullying and being sad because people have it harder than them!!" He shouts at his mother gleefully.

Marinda the blonde mother laughed "One more sweetie!" She sways back and forth with her pointing fingers.

"We're right, they're wrong!" Smiling brightly towards his mother hugging him afterwards he'd said it.

Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo looked at each other nauseatingly while the mother and son continued their bullshit of a song.

In a tone of twinkle little fucking star.

Tubbo leaned into Ranboo's ear while he covered his hand "They're talking about us or the free shower?" They both snickered.

Tommy looked at both of them "What's funny?" He whispered, Tubbo leaned in into Tommy's ear this time.

"I think he didn't like our payback free shower for him" the two laughed almost too loudly.

"Hey!" A female voice shouted at the mocking giggling little gremlin students.

The three instantly knew who she screamed at and they slowly looked at the red faced tomato mother.

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?!" His son looked confused on who she was scolding at.

It was them. The three that threw two cups of coffee on him, yeah they may be hot but hot like a shower. There were a couple of burns that didn't damage his skin in any way.

Jared immediately got angry and pointed fingers at them "IT'S THE MORONS BASTARDS AT THREW COFFEE AT ME!" Telling his mom.

Ranboo behind his glass looked at the angry mother and son. "Ah mother of god here we go.." quietly said.

He shakes his spray paint fast and sprayed the mother's face "RUN!" He screamed, Tubbo got away.

Unfortunately Ranboo and Tommy got blocked by the quarterback "You two can't run from me!" Jared jumped into them.

He missed them and jumped into the steel iron seat causing his chest to feel more pain than yesterday.

"AGH!! FUCKING BASTARDS" he middled fingers at them.

Tommy and Ranboo were in the back corner, they can't go around him because there's a chance that he could do more damage than ever.

Ranboo sprayed him again but it didn't hit his face this time but it was his arm covering it.

If they cannot go around him, they'll get through him.

Meanwhile Tubbo was scavenging through his bag for items he could use to help them. He still has that screwdriver from yesterday.

Jared grabbed Tommy's hand "WHERE'D YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!" Tommy looked horrified.

The mother wiped her glasses and started dialing a number.

"FUCK FUCK" Tommy punches the hand that grabbed him but he was far to strong for him.

Tubbo looked at the screwdriver he had in hand.

"MOVE!" Throwing the screwdriver at Jared's head with his helmet on.
It surprised him and Tommy got his grip back.

Ranboo threw the cap at the mother's hand to stop her from calling the police.

The bus driver stops at the nearby grocery store. The mother was standing up and she accidentally dropped her phone down.

This is their chance to escape.

The three gripped on to their bags and ran out of the bus as fast as they could.

"Thank you. Have a nice day." The bus driver said to the running students in a dull tone.

The bus leaves. The three were trying to catch their breaths from the mentally ill mother child.

Tommy nearly collapses and gets himself back up.

The Detention Club [Troublemaker! Bench Trio]Where stories live. Discover now