Episode 11 - Double Trouble

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"Steve!" Dustin yelled from the bus, running past me and kicking the door open

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"Steve!" Dustin yelled from the bus, running past me and kicking the door open. "Steve!" The older boy looked over his shoulder at the bus, his eyes wide. "Abort! Abort!" The first Demogorgon roared, its front leg clawing at the ground as it prepared to lunge. Steve's hands gripped the bat, but he dove away as it and the other baby Demogorgon snapped at his ankles. He rolled over the hood of a car, smashing the face of one of the beasts as it jumped toward him for the kill.

"What are you waiting for?" Dustin yelled at me, knocking me out of my fearful stupor. "Save him!" My head turned back at Steve, and as I watched him fleeing with the two Demogorgons at his heels, I felt sick as I knew he wouldn't make it on his own. I wasn't going to attempt to hide my abilities if it meant he would die. "Save him!"

"Steve, duck!" I screamed, and the boy dropped to the ground. I flung my hands forward, and the monsters screamed as they tumbled backward. I felt woozy from the amount of power I used, blood already dripping from my nose as Steve got up quickly and jumped into the bus. His arm wrapped around my waist, taking me with him as his momentum sent him far inside, and Dustin hurriedly closed the doors.

"Are you okay?" he asked me worriedly as Lucas took an extra piece of scrap metal we had stashed and set it across the door. He lowered me down on a bus seat carefully. "You're bleeding. Are you hurt?"

"Standard nosebleed," I told him, catching my breath from how out of practice I was. "Forget about me, are youokay?"

"Pardon my french, but what the actual hell was that?" Charity yelled at us, her eyes wide with fear. Max stood next to her in shock, but there was a small smile on her face in awe.

"You do have powers," she realized. Charity and Diana's heads turned to the girl at the same time, the blonde the first to look back at me.

"You have what?" The door gave a shake as a Demogorgon bashed itself against it, causing us all to scream. The bus shook violently, and Dustin and Lucas climbed behind me for protection. Steve kicked his legs out to hold the scrap metal against the door, but it was barely doing anything.

"Shit!" Dustin shrieked in my ear, holding on to the backrest of the chair tightly.

"Are they rabid or something?" Max yelled over the chaos.

"They can't get in!" Lucas said over her as Steve protected the entrance. It sounded more like reassurance to himself rather than a statement. "They can't!" The Demogorgons outside roared, and both hit the door at the same time. Steve's knees buckled, and we were able to see the teeth waiting for us on the other side. Everyone screamed as it screeched violently.

"Get back!" Diana told everyone, her voice cracking. "Get back!" Max and Charity followed her quickly through the aisle, their hands extended as they ran to the other end. Dustin and Lucas climbed over the seats after them, leaving me and Steve at the front.

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