~Chapter 5~

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~The Next Morning~

Sapnap P.O.V

I looked out on the dark desert plain: nothing but sand and cacti for miles. I turned back once more to look at the village I had taken refuge in for the last 13 years. The sun's glow below the horizon was the only light in the sky.

So long I said quietly to myself before turning to the path ahead.

"Come on Joffrey" I said clicking him onward, "we have a long way ahead of us".

As the sun climbed higher into the sky, the landscape became more illuminated. The first 20 miles was all sand and desert, so not much to see, but it soon gave way to barren grass fields filled with wild flowers. It's funny I thought I have lived in a sandy desert for so long I...almost forgot how flowers smelled

The air was laced with the scent of lavenders, poppies, cornflowers, lilies, and even some dandelions. I basked in the sweet fragrance, but it was when we went through a patch of daises I stopped dead in my tracks. My mind was going a million miles an hour, but no thoughts were passing through; I hoped off Joffery and fell to my knees. The nostalgia was overwhelming as the memories came flooding back.

"Why don't you make a daisy crown with me? They always make me feel better when I'm feeling bad"

"What is a king without a crown"

"All thanks to you, my strong king!"

*Karl's laughing*

The voices of my childhood memories continued to ring in my ears as I touched the pendant around my neck. That's right...daises were his favorite flower. He always made them into the most beautiful crowns...he tried to teach me, but he said I had rough hands. I laughed quietly to myself as I picked a single daisy, the aroma was so...alluring.

I eventually regained myself and stood up, hopping back on Joffery and starting again on my journey.

I'll be there soon buddy...

High noon had come and gone, the sun starting to set as we entered the forest; the same forest that connected to the woods surrounding Corinth, and the same woods karl and I played in as kids. I felt strange as we rode through: It was hard to believe that I played in these same woods so long ago. As we made our way through the brush, I passed by a clearing I did not recognize. It was small enough to be overlooked, but big enough to maybe fit a small building. It was an open field filled with tall grass and surrounded by trees; it was like the one we had as kids but way bigger. The sky was not covered by overhead trees in this one, and I looked up and admired the changing sky: dusk was approaching, and the blue sky began showing streaks of light purples, pinks and oranges. As I looked around more I saw what looked like a small brook on the other side that traced around the trees. It was beautiful, and it has been here all this time: untouched and undiscovered.

I have GOT to show karl this...he would like it

I continued on my way through the trees until I found a more solid trail to follow; I was getting closer. The moon was now in the sky, and the forest soon retreated to a grassy plain, and in the distance I could see the familiar walls of the Kingdom Corinth. I made my way to the front gates of my home town, and it was there the nostalgia came full force.

It really hadn't changed, say for some new buildings I did not recognize and the shops being different since I left. I hopped of Joffery and started to look for a place to stay.

I began tracing the buildings up and down, but everything was either full or closed for the night. I started to lose hope until I found a place that at least looked like it was open. As I walked closer, I was able to make out the words on the sign above the doors: "Phil's Tavern" hm, must be one of the new ones. I tied Joffery up before going in, triggering a small bell hung just above the door frame.

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