The Bet

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Chapter 1: The Bet

Chapter Text
"I've never kissed anyone." Kongpob says, voice low as he admits his secret to the group.

As one, the freshies look amongst themselves and then turn to stare at their fearless leader.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Oak exclaims, reaching out to grab Kong's tie and lift his head to face them. "No way our campus moon has never been kissed!"

Beside Kongpob, Praepaillin knocks Oak's hand away and then loops her own through Kong's arm, "If Kongpob says he's never been kissed, then he's never been kissed." She insists quietly.

"But.." M begins, eyes flashing between Kongpob and the rest of the group, "I.. I don't get it! You were the most popular boy in our year at school, how is that possible?"

Kongpob takes a deep breath, taking comfort from Prae's hand on his arm, "I've never been even a bit interested in anyone." He admits.

"Well, do you really have to be interested in someone to kiss them?" Oak laughs, punching M in the shoulder.

"Yes!" The girls hiss, turning fierce looks on their friend.

"Oak!" May moans, her gentle face set in a frown, "How can you say that? Is that what you do? Just go around kissing random people, not even caring if they might have feelings for you?" She glances between Kongpob and M as she speaks and Maprang reaches out to hold her hand, lacing their fingers together.

"Yeah," Maprang agrees, "You should only kiss someone you really like. Kongpob's first kiss should be special! Like mine was.."

"Who did you kiss, Maprang?" Tew asks, leaning forward to catch her attention.

"My high school boyfriend, Ninja, he was sooooo dreamy.. but not as dreamy as P'Arthit."

Kongpob lifts his head as she says their senior's name, "You like P'Arthit?"

"Name a girl on campus who doesn't!" Maprang replies, eyes alight with mischief. "There's even a bet going about who will get to kiss him first, the betting pool is about 8000 Baht already!"

"People are betting on kissing him?" Kongpob says, outrage creeping into his voice. "That's terrible!"

Tew and M nod along, but Oak has an entirely different opinion, "8000 Baht? Think how many new games I could play with that. I could buy all the extras and smash my way through.. hey, girls, what are the rules of the bet?"

Ten minutes later, Kongpob is feeling terrible for his Phi. Turns out all the girls in first year (who aren't afraid of him) are involved as well as a few of the boys. They'd all paid a small amount into the betting pool and are planning to launch their attack on P'Arthit some time in the next few days, when hazing and the beach trip are well and truly over. No-one has dared to suggest trying it on with him before then.

"How can anyone think that's okay?" Kongpob asks, voice astounded.

"Well, he's a third year, I'm sure he's had plenty of action before!" Maprang grins back and May and Prae surprise Kong by giggling along.

"So, I just have to be the first one to kiss him in front of at least five witnesses?" Oak says, eyes alight, "And then all that money is mine?"

"You're not going to do that, though Oak? You can't!" M says, snapping his fingers in front of his gaming buddy.

"Yeah, you wouldn't take his free choice away like that would you?" Tew agrees, nudging Kongpob to say something.

"Look, Oak?" Kong asks, "You know it isn't fair to kiss someone against their will. You know that everyone should have free choice in who they kiss. You won't actually do that? None of you will, right?" Kong looks around at his friends, but only May has the guilt to look away from him.

Maprang, Prae and Oak all stare back at him, mischief in their eyes.

"It's 8000 Baht, Kong and the chance to kiss the love of my life!" Maprang goes on dreamily, "I mean, one kiss and he might fall in love with me!"

"I won't do it without asking him," Prae insists, "But remember, he took my number that one time, so maybe he likes me?"

"But you like girls!" Oak whines.

"I do. But a kiss is just a kiss to me and the money would be really helpful right now."

Kongpob stares at his friends, aghast. "I can't believe I'm friends with you guys!" He complains, folding his arms and frowning, "You won't do this! Please tell me you won't!"

But no one agrees that they won't...

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