Should I Tell?

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Kongpob fights with himself for a long time over how to deal with his friend's revelation. Knowing that half the campus is planning to attack his favourite hazer, probably simultaneously, has him in a quandary.

He knows what he should do - tell P'Knott or one of the other hazers what he's heard and wipe his hands of it. But he's scared. What if they find it funny and decide they should let it happen? They're definitely into teasing Arthit and he can't be certain they'll take him seriously.

His other option - to tell a teacher at the university and get more than half of the first years in trouble is no more appealing. He doesn't want to spend three and a half years as a pariah amongst his peers. So that idea is out, plus they'll probably end up being banned from the 'end of hazing' trip at the weekend, and he's really excited to spend the time at the beach with his friends - he doesn't want to jeopardise that.

The final option - tell P'Arthit!

Well, Kongpob thinks as he settles into bed later that night, it's not likely he can tell his Phi. They've clashed so much over the hazing period and he's not certain that Arthit would even listen, let alone take him seriously. It's not like he's established himself as a trusted first year or close confidant. Sure winning the Moon and Star competition had been a step towards Arthit's friendship, and catching him crying behind the bandstand had helped him to see Arthit as more than just his loud hazer persona, but Arthit still seemed to think of him as just a fussy first year.

He thinks back to the time in Arhit's room when he'd taken care of him after his insane running punishment. Seeing his Phi in his own space had made Kongpob feel like they had things in common and it had been refreshing to see Arthit relying on others for help. But he also knew from that day that Arthit had avoided a phone call from a woman who he had never heard of or seen Arthit with before. So it was possible his Phi was already in a relationship and it would embarrass him for half the campus to chase him around and might even cause problems were someone brave enough to try and kiss him.

So, Kongpob wrestled with his conscience in the days leading to the beach trip, trying to come up with a solution that wouldn't completely alienate him from his friends or his seniors.

The day of the trip came around quickly and it was fun at first, Oak joking about swimming, Maprang rushing for a selfie with the seniors, singing songs and chatting with his friends on the bus. But when they arrived, and Kongpob saw the way the girls were reacting to P'Arthit he began to have some serious reservations. Surely, he should do something about it now?

It was only after his misadventure in the ocean that Kongpob made a decision. Then he race off, chasing his senior across the sand.


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