Flashback First Kiss

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"Oh my god, Oak! You were amazing!" M gushes as they settle into their calculus class. "I can't believe you actually asked him! I was shaking when you stepped up to the line, wasn't I May?" The girl nods her head and M reaches out a hand to tug her forward into the chair beside his. "Thank you for looking after me, May," he whispers and is pleased by the pretty blush that colours her cheeks.

"I told you, I just wanted the cash. Now I'm going to actually have to improve at my games in order to progress, it's so annoying!" Then he goes back to tapping on his phone.

Kongpob takes a deep breath as he guides Tew into his seat, "You okay now?"

"Well I have to ask the dragon if he wants to kiss me after this class, and the chance of him saying yes appears to have increased quite dramatically! So, no, not really!"

"I've got to ask him too." Kongpob grins, hand automatically rubbing at his mouth, "Well," he continues cheekily, "Only if he doesn't pounce on you first!"

They bicker good naturedly until their teacher arrives and then it's down to hard work.

Across the campus, Arthit's gang are in their computing lab, tapping away at their keyboards.

"I can't believe you said that Arthit!" Bright is laughing, "You realise it's going to take you even longer to turn them all down, now?"

"Who says he's going to turn them all down," Tootah says sternly, then his eyes turn dreamy, "Next up is Class President, Tew! Now he is a tasty treat! I wouldn't mind spending one night with him.."

"Tootah!" Knott interjects, "The freshmen are not pieces of meat!"

"I know," he replies, "But seriously, first it's Tew and then.. your favourite, Arthit, soon soon hock song!"

Finally Arthit seems to snap out of his daze, turning to face his friends, "Did I really say that?"

"You sure did, Ai'Thit." Prem agrees, trying to work out what his friend is thinking, "I mean, I knew you wouldn't be unkind to Nong Oak, but I didn't know you were going to invite the rest of the freshman class to ask you out too!"

"They're not asking him out, Prem! Just for a kiss, remember?" Bright interjects sternly. "If they were asking him to go on a date, surely he would have agreed to a few of them already. There are some seriously attractive first years after all.. I'm hoping a few of his rejects remember to give me a call!"

"Stop thinking with your tiny brain, Ai'Bright!" Tootah smacks him over the head, "Think with the big one, up here!"

"Anyway, isn't it going to be worse than agreeing to a date, having your first kiss in public?" Knott asks, flicking Arthit in the forehead when he seems to be lost in his dreams again.

"Not my first kiss. Why do you all assume that?" Arthit snaps back and the entire group recoils.

"Oh my!" Tootah starts, "Are you saying that since the last time we spoke of this, you have finally been kissed? Ai'Thit! I'm so happy for you!" He throws his arms around Arthit who offers him a weak smile and then shifts away.

"Who with?" Bright starts his interrogation, getting right into Arthit's face, "Come on Thit! You know we've told you about all of our firsts already!"

"He's right," Prem agrees, leaning in. "Share?"

"Give him a minute," says Knott, ever the calm one. Then he pushes the others to go back to their work and give Arthit some space.

They continue to work, but Arthit can feel their looks and can practically hear the gears turning in their brains as they try to work out who he's been kissing behind their backs.

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