You Kissed Who??!

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There's a thrum of excitement in the canteen as the freshmen reconvene after their class. Within five minutes, the hazers arrive and everyone stares at the line that has already been formed, Tew waiting nervously at the front.

"Let's get this done!" Arthit groans as he sees that the first years have also been joined by most of the second year and a large portion of his own year too. Even P'Deer and a few of the other fourth years are leaning against a table, waiting to see what happens.

"You really want to do this?" Knott checks as they move towards their table.

"Yep it's time."

"And that person is here and in the line?" Bright checks, eyes glancing back and forth at the waiting freshmen.

"Yep, they're here."

"Okay, then. I can't wait to see who could possibly have caught the eye of our fearless leader..." Bright and Tootah clap their hands together in glee as they take their seats at the table. Prem following to settle beside Tootah where he can observe.

But Arthit doesn't sit between them, instead he walks around the bench and ends up standing directly in front of Tew, who takes a small step back, almost colliding with Maprang who growls at him and pushes him back towards Arthit.

"Sorry, P'Arthit," he says nervously.

Knott steps up beside his friend, "Are you ready Ai'Thit?"

"Umm.." Arthit looks down at his phone, checking it as he looks back and forth amongst the group, "I just need.."

Suddenly, ten more freshmen enter the canteen and head for the line, Kongpob pushing his way to the front and sliding into place behind Tew.

"Sorry Phi, I didn't mean to be late."

Arthit ignores him, gaze focussed on the end of the line where a few of the group haven't quite settled into place, then he nudges Knott.

"Freshmen!" His voice silences the crowd and the group at the back stop fussing and fall into place. "Let's finish this. Does anyone need a reminder of the rules?"

There's a continuing silence, which P'Knott acknowledges by holding out his hand to Tew, "Your turn Nong," he winks, and then moves to sit beside Bright.

As one, everyone turns to stare at Arthit and he feels his cheeks begin to heat up - Is he really going to do this?


"You want me to do what, P'Arthit?"

"Just convince them and I'll give you 500 Baht, okay?"

"But, I can't Phi, they don't listen to me."

"Well, make them!"

"I'm not a leader like you, I can't just make them.."

"Then trick them! It's really important Nong Oak."

"I'll... I'll do it for a thousand Baht!"

"You are pushing your luck, Nong!"

"But you don't understand, Phi," Oak whines, staring up at his Phi. "I just play my games and try to stay quiet.. you know."

"Well.. I mean, that could work, Nong. You can keep saying that you just want to win the bet so you can pay for more games? They already think that, right? Look, I'll text you when I need you to do it, okay?"

"A thousand baht.."

"I can't believe your cheek! Okay.. a thousand.."

Arthit watches as Nong Tew gulps hard before he lifts his head and schools his expression into something half serious - half bemused, "P'Arthit, I want to ask for your permission to kiss you?"

Kissing P'Arthit (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now