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At lunchtime, Arthit frowns as the queues immediately form again. He's trying to eat his lunch in peace, but every two seconds Bright or Tootah are nudging his arm and pointing out another person who has joined the queue - every freshie in sight it seems, except the one Arthit wants to see.

"Ooo, who's that boy in the line?" Bright asks suddenly, indicating a first year with floppy hair and spectacles. "I didn't realise any boys were interested in you!"

"Why not?" Tootah asks, peering forward to check out the line, "That's Nong Oak, I know him because he's so completely obsessed with video games that he once bumped into me as he was too engrossed in his game. He apologised so much!"

"Why's he queueing up for Arthit, though?" Bright asks, "I mean, I'm seriously shocked by the number of girls who seem interested, I can't believe our Arthit is attracting all the boys too! There's going to be no one left for any of the rest of us!"

Arthit steals a quick glance at the line, and indeed, he can see that irritating first year, Oak, waiting, eyes glued to his phone. As he watches, a few more freshies slide over to him and try to engage him in conversation, but the boy ignores them, clearly lost in his game. Arthit looks away to continue his meal.

"Oh my goodness! Is that 0062 lining up?" Prem growls, indicating the knot of boys gathered around Oak. Arthit's head snaps up and his eyes lock on tan skin and that annoying face, 'Damn'!

"Don't be silly, Prem," Bright laughs, "If 0062 wanted to kiss Ai'Thit there's no way he'd queue, he'd just march right over here and grab him by the collar and kiss him, I'd guess! Right, Arthit?"

"Well he's got balls if he's planning to try.." Knott says, as Arthit ignores them all and continues eating his noodles, stomach a jumble of nerves as he waits for the next girl to ask him to kiss her.

After ten more minutes of listening to requests and refusing them, Arthit is ready to snap. While his friends had been right that this was the best way to handle things, he was utterly sick of it already and he knew that he'd only turned down about half the people who were planning to ask. It was definitely time to put his plan into action. Quickly, he tapped out a text.

In the line, Oak was happily playing his game, not a care in the world that people were talking about him. He'd reached a particularly hard part and he was wishing he had the money to upgrade his character to get through it when his friend's interrupted him.

"Come on Oak, you're not going to make it to the front of the line before the end of break and you need to eat something," Tew whined, grabbing his hand. But Oak just shrugged him away as he continued to tap at his screen.

"Oak, about before.. I'm sorry for what I said," M says, also trying to get his friend's attention. "I recognise that there are many different sexualities in this world and that it doesn't matter what anyone identifies as. I am happy to support you. But, Tew is right. This isn't worth you starving over, you love your food!"

"Still only here for the money, M." Oak laughs, eyes never straying from his screen. "But hey, if you want to support me, why don't you guys join the line with me? I mean, you guys are utterly certain that P'Arthit is going to refuse to kiss a man, right?"

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