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Long ago before the Great War between Ozma and Salem began, Ozma and Salem were married and loved each other dearly. But, there was something each spouse loved even more. For Ozma, it was the kingdoms of Remnant. For his wife Salem, it was something she believed was worth a million kingdoms ten times over, her beautiful baby boy. Salem named her son Seth, for his eyes shined like the most priceless of gems, but behind them, the most chaotic and unbelievable powers lay dormant.

As the child grew he understood unyielding love from his mother and nothing of his father who he never saw for he was always too busy. Seth was determined to earn his father's attention and praise. Before the boy was 5 years old he discovered he was a magic polymath it seamed there was no limit to what he could learn or accomplish with his power. Seth heard endless hours of praise and love from his mother but hadn't heard a minute of even criticism from his father. The boy pushed himself further when he turned 9 he discovered an unusual talent for traditional weaponry. Seth was certain by mastering both his magical and traditional abilities he would earn the praise of his father at last. By the time he was 16 he had accomplished his goal but still his father's attention still evaded him. This frustrated him to no end.

"Father, is there NOTHING TO MAKE YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR SON!?", he shouted in a furious rage.

By this time Seth had been granted 4 younger sisters who had been dubbed the maidens for their elemental and seasonal themed powers. What angered him about this wasn't the fact that he had to share his mother's love he knew without question If he asked for his mother's time she would give it to him without hesitation. What angered him was that Ozma praised his sisters for every little achievement they had. In 6 years they had his father's attention and love with so much as a sneeze, where Seth had shattered mountains with the same effort and hadn't earned so much as a look in 16 years!

Then Seth discovered another ability; the power of souls. He could harvest and feed off of the souls of others to give himself physical abilities he didn't have. He had the power to steal and copy semblances. Seth thought this would still get him no where with his father's attention but figured it would be a good use of time. He was wrong. Within two years Seth had mastered his ability and was standing face to face with his father

"Do I have your attention now father?", Seth asked in a bitter tone.

"Seth what have you done?" , Ozma asked in shock.

There they stood father and son in a field of death, the corpses of 10,000 hunters and huntresses coat the field, their blood stained Seth's cloak and his scythe.

"Of course I don't have your attention I've never had it! You never gave me the time of day and now here I am the most powerful hunter in Remnant; The Reaper. A minstrel of death and destruction. And I still don't have your attention," Seth rambled to himself.

"Son-," Ozma started before being interrupted.

"Don't call me that! You have no right to call me son! I am the son of Salem older brother and mentor of the Maidens! You loved these humans and fauna more then your own children! Now look what your negligence has gotten you! Look at the monster YOU CREATED!" Seth shouted.

Ozma was shocked but knew every word was true. But he tried to deny it.

"The monster I see is an ungrateful fool! I've given you plenty of things!" Ozma retorted.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Bullshit. I'll give you a chance though! I'll return 100 souls of these fallen hunters to rest peacefully if you can name one thing you have given me!" Seth laughed.

"Your sisters-," Ozma started.
"They don't count" Seth interrupted.

"What? why not?" Ozma asked.

"Mother gave them to me as well. Name something you gave to me all by yourself." Seth stated bitterly.

Ozma went silent everything he had given him was filtered by someone. His birthday gifts? His mother made most of them the rest were store bought by his mother. His cloak? Ozma's idea, Salem's sewing. His weapon? Ozma's idea Seth's execution. His rings? His sisters were the ones who made them. There is nothing Ozma gave him all by himself.

"Nothing I have given you nothing" Ozma stated.

"Exactly! And you've given only one thing to my sisters by yourself and that was fatherly love! Did I get any of that? No! Now I'm going to give you something!" Seth said determinedly.

"What?" Ozma asked.

"A painful death!!!" Seth shouted.

(Badly written fight scene plz forgive me)

Seth lunged at Ozma scythe at the ready. His agility and precision was unlike anything Ozma had ever encountered. Seth knew all of Ozma's fighting tricks so he had copied and improved them as well as make counters for them. Ozma never stood a chance, every swing of Seth's scythe was strong, fast, precise and a fatal blow on anyone else who wasn't like him.

Fortunately Ozma had managed to parry one of his attacks forcing Seth back but his scythe split into twin scimitars and before Ozma knew it he was on the defensive barely blocking any of Seth's attacks. Seth's attacks were ruthless and relentless before long Ozma barely had any strength left so Ozma pulled one last trick out of his sleeve and petrified Seth just as he was about to run him through.

This would prove to be his undoing as it was the event that kickstarted the chain reaction leading to the maidens deaths and the beginning of the Great War. But no spell lasts forever as time went on fairytales about the "Petrified Prince" stirred and it was said that if you kissed the statues head and your soul wasn't something he already had it would break his curse and so our story begins with a silver eyed warrior, in training to become just like her mother, breaking a curse on a neglected child and a grieving sibling.

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