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Salem: Why do you need Summer?

Seth: I made a promise to her daughter.

Salem stood in silent contemplation. Thinking about what her son had told her. She needs Summer to stay out of her way.

Salem: I will give you Summer. But you will have to do something for me.

Seth: Yes mother?

Salem: I need you to make sure Summer doesn't interfere with my plans. Also I've waited 400 years I want some grandkids!

Seth: Done and done.

Salem: I'M A GRANDMA!?!?

Seth: Not yet but you will be.

Salem: Don't get my hopes up like that...

*Time skip* *Beacon academy Ozpin POV*

I was in a panic team Rwby came in and started barraging me with questions and any usual answer I would give they called out. I was given no choice but to tell them the truth. How did they get so much information? Who is helping them? I looked out the window overlooking Seth's statue........ ITS GONE!!?!??

Ozpin: What happened where is the statue?

Glynda: what do you mean sir?

Ozpin: The statue of the "Petrified Prince" where is it?

Glynda: I'm not sure maybe someone moved it?

Ozpin: Impossible they would need my permission first.

???: I don't need your permission for shit old man!

Ozpin: who's there?! Show yourself!

Seth appeared laying on one of the other statues as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Seth: Did ya miss me? Old man?

The demonic tone he took on was unsettling at best and terrifying at worst.

Glynda: Ozpin who is that?

Ozpin: He's-

Seth: The Son of Salem. And a huge mama's boy. But whatever I want, mom makes sure I get.

Ozpin: How did you escape!?

Seth: Ruby let me out she's very kind and considerate.


Seth: guilty as usual. But if you could be a doll and bring her and her team here. Id appreciate it.

Ozpin: Not a chance! Whatever you want them for it can't be good.

Ruby: Seth?

I looked and saw Ruby looking my monster of a son, dead in the eyes. It was like watching a lost puppy finding their owner.

Seth: Hello little rose. I believe this is yours.

Seth pulled on a chain, and Summer was pulled into view her hands were chained together.

Seth: I didn't want the chains. But mother was insistent on it.

Summer: You actually weren't lying... You were bringing me home...

Seth: *gently strokes her cheek* I am incapable of lying Ms. Rose. But I believe your daughter wants to embrace you.

Seth snapped his fingers and the chains disappeared Ruby tackled her mother and they had an adorable reunion.

Seth: Such a sweet sight, it almost makes me want to forgive you so we can have our own reunion.

Ozpin: Seth...

Seth: Almost Ozpin... I still will never forgive you for leading my sisters to their deaths.

Ozpin: So why are you still here

Seth smiled and looke at me with silver eyes.... Oh no...


*3rd person POV*

Everything slowed down. Everyone looked at Ozpin, who had a massive hole blown through his chest. Seth was holding a hand cannon that was smoking from the barrel while incased in a silver glow.

Seth: I'm still here because I am going to kill you.... Dad...

Ozpin looked down at his wound and new he was already as good as dead.

Ozpin: If this is what it takes to make you whole.... I won't stop you... I love you... Son....

"It's too late for that old man, now....


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