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*Ruby POV*

I can't believe what I just saw. Seth just murdered his own dad. Me and Yang argue with dad all the time but no matter how mad we get we always forgive each other. But Ozpin said he was sorry and told him he could kill him if it made him feel better. But he didn't even take that he made Ozpin suffer. After putting his chance for saving remnant on the line.

Seth: And now with that out of the way *picks up scroll* Hey Mom? Yeah. We're ready.

A portal opened behind Seth and out walked Salem herself.

*Seth POV*

I've never felt so happy then when I saw my mother walk out of that portal. She looked as if Death herself walked into prom.

Seth: Hi Mom! You look great!

Salem: Oh Seth Sweetie, you always know how to make mommy's day~ *pinches Seth's cheek*

Seth: Moooooooom! I'll always be your special boy but I'm the Headmaster of Beacon now! You don't need to embarrass me!

Salem: But I do need to shower my special boy with all the love and affection he needs to be a firm but fair ruler.

I hate it when she goes overboard with the PDA but I can't help but smile it's like no matter how hard I try I can't stay mad at her. It's just nice to be home.

*3rd person POV*

Ruby: This is Salem? Queen of Grimm? Mistress of Darkness? She's just your average mom with a son!

Salem: Oh you must be Ruby! Seth has told me so much about you! Thank you soooo much for releasing my baby boy!

Seth: MA! Again!?

Salem: Yes again! Did he grant you all your wishes yet?


Seth: MOM!!! I hadn't even told them that they get wishes yet! You spoiled my surprise!!!

Salem: Oh I'm sorry sweetie, I thought you told them already.

Seth: I wanted Ozpin dead so he wouldn't influence their wishes.

Salem: Understandable. Now then, shall I explain it to them?

Seth: Go ahead...

Salem: So my son, Seth wanted to show some form of appreciation for releasing him. So he is willing to grant each of you one wish. And No he will not bring Ozpin back.

Weiss: Why not?

Seth: First of all; I still hate him. Second of all; I don't have his soul.

Ruby: Why does that matter?

Seth: If I don't have access to his soul I can't resurrect him. Same goes for other dead people. Simple rule: No soul, No service.

Ruby: Wait if you're mom is so nice and sweet-

Salem: Thank you.

Ruby: then what do you want with remnant?

Salem: When Seth was younger he'd probably burn it to the ground to spite Ozpin. But now-

Seth: I want to destroy Atlas, the Schnee dust company, The White Fang, and the anti Faunus racism groups. Then I want to unify all the kingdoms into one and finally-

Salem: Find some lovely girls and give me some grandkids!!!

Seth: MOM!!!!!! ENOUGH!!! If you're just gonna embarrass and interrupt me then go home!

Salem: You can't stay mad at me~🎵


Salem: Fine fine. *teleports away*

Yang: So you're a mama's boy huh?

Seth: Yes for my mom. Anyone else... not in a million years.

Yang: What if my one wish is for you to be my mama's boy?

Seth: That's one good way to waste a wish and find out you make a really good bottom bitch in 5 minutes.

Yang: Oooh~ kinky~

Seth: Only if you can handle it baby girl...

Yang: Oh it's so on!

Seth: Ruby what's your wish?

Ruby: I wish I could go back in time to right before you killed Ozpin!

Seth: *shrugs* ok *snaps*

Ruby flashed in a bright green light and was gone.

*Ruby POV*

Ruby: *thinking* I can't believe that worked I didn't think he'd fall for it. Now that I'm here I can- HUH?

Ruby realized that she didn't take her past self's place but rather was watching it again from an outside point of view. She couldn't move closer and couldn't alter her surroundings. She had to sit there while she watched Ozpin die again.

Ruby: SETH!!!!! YOU TRICKED ME!!!!

*Seth POV*

I brought Ruby back to the present. Man she looked sooooo mad.

Ruby: That isn't what I wanted!

Seth: Then why did you wish for it?

Ruby: I wanted to go back and stop you!

Seth: If I could go back and alter history don't you think I would have done that by now.

Ruby:..... You can't?!

Seth: Nope. I can watch but I can't change it.

Ruby: So Ozpin is really gone?

Seth: Ruby I hate Ozpin but I can understand that he saw something in you and that made you happy. I see even more in you than my dad did.

Ruby: like what?

Seth: *smiles* you'd make a beautiful bride for someone one day. Hopefully me but when you're older of course.

Ruby stood in silence thinking about everything that happened plus what he had just said.

Ruby: that'd be nice *blushes*

Seth: Oh before I forget here

Seth gave Ruby a small crystal orb. It's smooth texture and rainbow colors were just beautiful.

Ruby: what is it?

Seth: A wish orb. You kinda screwed your wish up so here's a little retry. Rub it and make your wish whenever you want same rules apply though.

Ruby: Why? Why give it to me?

Seth: I was lucky enough to get almost anything I wanted out of life you had a lot of weight on your shoulders.

"Consider it a Royal Gift"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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