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Ruby: M-My mom!?

Yang: Don't joke about that!

Seth: My jokes are funny, not cruel. This is no joke. I would like the people who freed me to trust me. If giving you your mother will make that happen, then it shall be done.

Ruby: Then you're a liar! No one can bring back the dead!

Seth: You have been lied to. I however am no liar. Your mother is alive, imprisoned, but alive all the same.

Yang: Imprisoned!? By who?

Seth: My mother, Salem; Queen of Grimm.

RWBY: *gasp*

Ruby: Why is your mom holding my mom prisoner!?

Seth: When someone sneaks into your home, and tries to assassinate you, you have a tendency to want answers. But if you want yours I suggest you talk to Ozpin. Pressure him into talking he's not a tough egg to crack.

Ruby: What about my mom!?

Seth: I'm a man of my word once you understand who is telling you the truth, your mother will be returned.

Seth opened a portal and walked through it. When he came out of the portal he stood in the Grimm fields surrounded by Grimm pools. It was good to be home.

*Seth POV*

Home sweet home. I was surrounded by Grimm, it's a nice feeling. In a way they are my siblings, just so numerous and fragile that they are just foot soldiers, death fodder. But some have the ability to speak in Mother's domain, and some apparently are either very brave, or very stupid.

Beowolf: Who dares enter her grace's domain unannounced?!

Seth: I suggest you hold your tongue. Before the returning prince rips it out of your mouth!!

Ursa: Prince Seth!!! *smacks the beowolf* Mind your manners! This is The Queens son! My most sincere apologies my lord.

Seth: *Sigh* Since I'm in such a good mood I shall let this slide. Just make sure it doesn't happen again.

I walked up to the castle where I was born. I remember opening these heavy doors to leave for the last time as if it was yesterday. So many things I would have said if I knew I wasn't coming back. No matter. I pushed the doors open and walked into the castle. I see a white fang guard running toward the conference room. I'd kill him but I think he'll help me make a more dramatic entrance...

*Adam POV*

I was running to the meeting Salem was in. I don't know who that man was but to make it through the Grimm fields untouched must mean he's incredibly strong. I burst into the meeting Mistress Salem looks rather upset but this is an emergency.

*Salem POV*

Salem: What is it! I thought I said we were not to be disturbed!!

Adam: Mistress there's a powerful intruder in the castle!!

Salem: Is it Ozpin!?

Adam: I don't think so. I don't recognize him but he walked through the front door completely unscathed.

Salem: ...I will deal with this. Cinder, Tyrian, Watts, you're coming with me!

Me and my servants walked into the throne room where this intruder dared to sit on my throne!!!

Salem: Who are you and how did you get here!?

???: So my welcoming party finally arrived, good, I was beginning to get bored.

Tyrian: Die you fool!

Tyrian lunged at the intruder. He raised his right hand covered in four.... Elemental........ rings..... oh no..

Salem: Tyrian Wait!!!!

It was to late the man blasted Tyrian with a small beam of light turning him into a golden statue. Tyrian fell to the floor with a heavy thud.

???: Well? Where's my welcome home? My apology?

Salem: you haven't changed one bit son.

Seth: I have always been your darling son mother. As I always will be.

Cinder: Mistress this is your son!?

Salem: My pride and joy should it make him happy I would destroy all of you.

Seth: As entertaining as that would be mom. I do need something from you.

Salem: My darling boy just name it and it's yours.

Seth: I need Summer Rose.

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