Chapter 4 " Operation can kwamis love"

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The next day tikki and plagg (including everyone else at school) head to their classes as ussuall.

"HEY TIKKI!" duusu screams across the hallway.

"No screaming across the hallways duusu" a teacher reminds her.

"oops!" she smiles and tikki giggles.

"Duusu i want to talk to you-" tikki tries to say.


"WHAT! NO WE'RE NOT!" nooroo shouts with blush on his face.

"Yea yeah, but we ill soon >:3" she smiles at him.

"So how was the project with plagg?" duusu asked tikki as they walked towards class.

"uhhhh" tikki blushes.

"lets talk about it in the library k?" tikki whispers to duusu.
"the library? come on but they kicked me out of there every time i went in..." duusu wines.

"Pleeeeaasee!" tikki pleads.

"fine.." duusu says and heads towards her seat.


"Class is dissmissed" miss Eclipse dissmissed the studets.

"Hey tikki ow about you come over to my house this ti-" plagg gpt cut off.

"Sure- uhhh gotta go plagg BYE-" and she was dragged by duusu towards the library.


"So what do you want to talk about?" duusu says as they sit down at the library.

"Duusu, are you in love?" tikki asked.

"what uhhh, uhmm ofcourse i am i mean i lovve nooro!!" duusu sweats and blushes.

"Do you love him so much you want to kiss him?" tikki leaned forward as she wrote down duusu's replies into a notebook.

" I don't know tikki I mean, they said kwamis cant fall in love but i really am just maybe interested or attracted to him? I mean look at him!" duusu said as she pointed at nooro cassually reading a book.

"I see humans doing this whole love thing and i just want to try it out,Wait why are you arking about thhis tikki?" dussu raises an eyebrow.

"uhhhhhhh REASEARCH PROJECT!" tikki lied.

" Tikki.." duusu gasps.

" you're in lovee!!!!!" duusu grabs her to a hug.

"N-no i'm not!!" tikki's cheeks flush and her antennas twirl.

"Don't hide it from me i'll keep your secret safe ;)" duusu nudges her.

"Now who's the lucky guy!" duusu say as her eyes grow and face lights up.

"ughh, i dont know if i love him or not but.." tikki sighs.

"It's.. IT'S PLAGG OKAY?!" Her cheeks flush more.

"Awwwwwwwww thats okay boo, Look we're both inlove with someone and we dunno if kwamis can love or not so lets try and solve this mystery toghether!" duusu holds out a hand.

"Operation  can kwamis love?" duusu says.

"Operation can kwamis love!" tikki says.

They check out books talking about kwami history and love  from the library and decide to read them tonight.


Tikki that night changes into her pajamas and gets ready to read.

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