Chapter 8 "1 week left of you"

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Tikki's pov

"okay guys we only have 30 minutes of freedom before the guards check into our dorm rooms so have all the fun you can now" kaalki explains.

 "Tikki come on let's ride that roller coaster" trixx grabs me by the hand. 

 Apparently we are in a theme park at the kwami vacation dimension.

 Plagg,wayzz,trixx,and I head over to a roller coaster and stand in line.

 Plagg then grabs me by the hand and I quickly swat it away thinking he was someone else.

 "Sorry kitty cat, thought you were someone else" I apoligize. 

"Sass?" He asks and I nod.

 "You know I'm getting pretty sick of that guy can I just cataclysm him already?" He frowns.


 " He's still our friend" I say crossing my arms lightly.

 "Who is 'our'" he raises an eyebrow. 

"Oh just shut up you stinky sock" I say playfully hitting him.

 "I told you not to call me that! Do you ever hear me call you sugarcube?" He crossed his arms sarcastically. 

"Uhh yeah?" I say. 

"Oh yeah." He realizes and I kiss his forehead.

 "Silly kitty cat" I smile.

 "Hey love bugs, were next!" Trixx says. 

"We're not love bugs!" Plagg says. 

I quickly get uncomfortable and a bit sad hearing him say that. 

"I mean do I have antennas?" He says meaning that he was joking. 

"Don't scare me like that.." I muffle.

 "Wait you thought I wasn't joking?"he says wrapping his arm around me.

 "Well.." I say. 

"Tikki is something bothering you?" He says as we walk in line sitting on our roller coaster seat. 

" Actually i-" the roller coaster starts.

 " I REMEMBERED I HATE ROLLER COASTERS!" I shout covering my face into plaggs shirt

"really? Come on they ain't that bad!" He chuckles. 

"Eeeeerrhhh" I muffle between his shirt.

 "Alright!" He holds me close.

 The ride ends and I start panting as if I just did a full body work out.

"Hey how about we ride something else?" Wayzz says.

 "NO THANK YOU!' I burst. 

"Okay you guys go ride somewhere I'll take tikki onto that ferris wheel." Plagg points at one.

 I calm down


We hop in and we just sit.

 "I know." Plagg says.

 "What?" I say confused

 "I know something is bothering you tikki" plagg says.

 "What no of course not-" I lie. 

He looks at me.

 I sigh.

 "We only have one week left at school plagg.
 I can't believe I'm saying this but, I don't wanna go." I sigh.
 "Me neither." He says putting his arm around my shoulder like a slight hug.

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