Chapter 7 "Nightmares"

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Tikki's pov

Detention for kwamis is different that detention for humans.

 We have to stay in our dorms the whole day which seems perfectly fine for me honestly i mean i could just bake and sleep all day.

 Maybe even dream about plagg for a bit •///•. (Lets pretend i didnt say that)

The kwamis stay in their dorms as guards are set outside their dorm rooms making sure they don't go out.

 They disable all communication to each other As well so we dont "plan escape routes" as the last group of kwamis did. 

I get started on baking and put the cake into the oven and set a timer.

 "I think I'll take a nap while this cake bakes" i tell myself.

 I head over to my sweet smelling,fluffy,poofy, bed with hundreds of pillows (dessert themed) maybe even some ladybug plushies as well. 

I set my alarm and turn off the lights. 

 {In the dream}

3rd person pov

 "Plagg what are you doing?" Tikki asks plagg as they are both in a dark pitch black room.

 "Tikki we need to break up." Plagg says. 

"What?!?" Tikki says in a worried voice bending her knees.

 "I said, We need to break up!" Plagg turns around.

 "What! Why?!?" Tikki says with a tear going down her face.


 Tikki's face is in shock and pain as she realizes whats happening.

 Just as she tries to speak the floor breaks and she falls down, down, down ,down , down, and down. 

She starts screaming until she reaches a roof top with candles and decorations on it.

"Ahh tikki there you are!" Sass says trying to grab her to a hug. 

" Has plagg broken your heart?" Sass comes closer.

 "I'm here for you tikki! I allways am" he tries to grab her but she runs away. 

"Stop it sass I'm not into you!" Tikki runs.

He chases her around 'till a magical cliff appears and tikki is stuck onto the edge of it.

 "You either love me, or fall" sass says as he grabs her top pushing her backwards towards the cliff.

 "Never" she says.

 He then gets mad and pushes her off.

 "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" tikki screams as she falls. Hearts start appearing onto her face and everywhere she goes.

 "Love loss?! Not again!!" She says in-between the fall.

"You only have one week left, i week left" voices echo through her fall.

"You will never ever experience love ever again until another 20 centuries" the voices continue.

they keep on repeating and repeating and she keeps screaming and screaming.

She then lands onto a foggy area with dirt under her shoes.

" Hello tikki" A mysterious man says with his back towards her.

 "Who are you!" Tikki says as she hesitates as she speaks.

" You don't recognize a man you've read about?!" The man turns around showing his face.

 "You don't recognize me? Master olongo?!" He says. 

Tikki gasps and tries to run but everywhere she goes she gets caught by him. 

"I didn't expect a wise kwami like you tikki to fall in love!" His eyes widen in anger. 

" Forgive me m-mastrer i- i'll never do it again.." tikki falls to the ground.

 "Oh you better TIKKI!" He comes closer to her as the forbidden book does as well. 

 " You made a big mistake TIKKI" the book says.

 "What it said TIKKI" sass comes.

 "I don't love you anymore TIKKI" Plagg says.

 The nightmares keep calling her name as they they closer and closer. 

"Tikki? Tikki?! TIKKI!" a voice calls put.

 "TIKKI!" kaalki shakes the 'young' kwami up from her sleep.

 Tikki gets up grasping for air. 

"You scared me to death kaalki!" Tikki looks at her.

 "Get in we're escaping!" Kaalki points at her voyage.

 "We?" Tikki says as she jumps in through the voyage.

 "Us all" the kwamis say, including Sass,plagg,trixx,nooroo,wayzz,etc etc. 

Plagg waves at tikki but she just looks down realizing that she has only 1 week left to love.


Hope ya enjoyed this little short chapter </3

(I said short since its 700 words and i ussually make my chapters long by making them 1k+ words)

Little announcement,

 I usually am busy on fridays,saturdays,and sundays so that's why i dont update that much or that fast, on weekdays though i'm on my feet and ready to write new chapters each day for you guys!

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