Chapter one - Telling Christopher

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"How dare you."
"How dare you steal my food," Buck exclaimed.
"Really Buck, it was just one fry."
Buck giggled whilst stealing a fry off of his boyfriend's plate,
"Now we're even."
"You're an idiot. But you're my idiot."
"I love you Edmundo Diaz."
"I love you too Evan Buckley," Eddie whispered whilst leaning across the table, placing a sweet, soft kiss on his boyfriend's lips.
"This is like our first public date," Eddie said after breaking the kiss.
"Yeah it is," Buck responded, smiling fondly at his boyfriend.
The boys have been dating in secret for the past six months, not even Christopher knows. They were planning on telling him in the morning. He was staying at Abuelita's tonight so that the boys could be alone. Eddie told her he was going on a date but he didn't tell her who he was going with so he was going to have to come up with a plan of what to tell her. He was thinking about making something up to satisfy the gossip in his beloved Abuelita.

After the meal, the couple took a stroll along the beach hand in hand with one another.
"Hey Ev,"
"I don't know what to tell my Abuelita. I mean we can't tell her the truth can we?" Eddie asked, genuinely confused and anxiety ridden.
"Look, I know that you're scared, cause so am I, but we can do this together. Okay. Hell, I'll be there with you to tell her if you want. She already has her suspicions anyways. Like the other week when I dropped you home after work and we had to pick Chris up first. Something in her eyes said that she knew."
"Okay, okay yeah we can do this."
"Yeah we can, cause we're doing it together."
"I love you so much Evan."
"I love you too."

Later that night, the boys had crashed out on the couch half way through a movie. Buck had popcorn stuck to his face and Eddie had chocolate smudged around his mouth from a make out session with 'his Buck'.
"Buck," Eddie whispered, "Buck."
"Do you think that we should go to bed now?"
"Yeah, probably."

Eddie turn the T.V. off and both he and Buck walked down the hall towards Eddie's bedroom. They clumsily took off their shoes and socks, Buck tripped over the bed frame whilst walking around the other side of the bed, taking his shirt off. Both of the boys fell onto the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, Buck was woken up by the sun coming in through the window. He rolled over whilst rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, as he finished rubbing his eyes he realised that Eddie was not lying next to him.
"Good morning baby,"
"Where did you go?"
"To make you breakfast love,"
"You're so sweet Ed's," he said, placing a kiss on Eddie's lips.
"Come on, up you get. We got to eat and then get Chris and you know tell my Abuelita about us," he said whispering the last part of the sentence.
"Yes, we really need to do that because I don't wanna hide us anymore."
"Me either. But I'm scared. I mean what if my parents find out, they will freak the hell out. They are very, uh, against people like, well us."
"It will be okay. No matter what happens, you have me and I'm like one hundred percent sure that the team will be absolutely happy and supportive because well Hen is gay too. "
"Yeah I know. Come on, let's do this."

Once they had both gotten dressed and ready for the day, they made their way to Abuelita's house to pick up Christopher. They pulled up outside of Abuelita's house ten minutes later and they got out of the car, making their way up the driveway, to the front door.
"Buenos dias Eddito. Oh Hola Buck."
"Buenos dias Abuelita."
"Hello, it's nice to see you again Abuelita."
"You too Buck, come on in boys."
"Uh actually Abuelita, we need to talk to you for a second," Eddie said whilst rubbing the back of his neck.
"What's wrong Eddito?"
"Nothing, I'm really happy,"
"Ahh, I see."
"No, what - what do you see?"
"You and Buck are together, no?"
"Yeah we are. We've been together for just over six months and I've never been happier," Eddie replied, placing his hand on Buck's knee.
"Oh Eddito, that's great," she said, reaching forward to pull the pair into a hug, "Does Christopher know?"
"No, not yet. Nobody does. We're going to tell him today." Eddie replied.
"Well then, let's go and get him," Abuelita said.

The trio entered the house and Christopher wrapped his tiny arms around his father's mid-section.
"Hello daddy,"
"Hey pal," Eddie said, placing a kiss on Chris' forehead.
"Buck!" Christopher exclaimed.
"Hey Superman, how are you doing?"
"I'm great Bucky. Are you hanging out with us today?"
"Yeah, I am. Is that okay with you?"
"Okay pal, go grab your stuff and say Adios to Abuelita."
"Okay daddy."

Buck helped Christopher into his car seat and then jumped into the passenger seat of Eddie's truck. Before heading home, they stopped at the store to get sweets and popcorn for their movie night later that night. Once they had their supplies for movie night, they headed home to the Diaz house. Eddie took a deep breath as they stepped out of the car. This is it. They were about to tell Christopher that they were a couple. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest that it felt like he was going to pass out. That was until he felt a comforting hand placed on the base of his back. Buck. The one person who can stop Eddie from having a full scale panic attack with just one touch. Man he was so in love with him.

The couple stepped through the door of the Diaz house a couple of steps behind Christopher, Eddie feeling less like he was going to vomit his heart out. Eddie hung his jacket up on the coat pegs next to the door and took Buck's from him once he had taken it off. After Christopher had put his bag in his room, he found Buck and Eddie in the kitchen making hot cocoa for the three of them.
"Hey bud," Eddie remarked when he saw Christopher coming around the corner.
"Hey daddy," Christopher responded with his usual 5-star smile, "are we having cocoa?!" he exclaimed with excitement.
"Yeah superman we are, but daddy and I need to talk to you quickly okay?"
"Okay Bucky."

The boys sat around the kitchen table with the cup of cocoa in front of them, Eddie played nervously with the edge of his shirt. Buck noticed this nervous fidget and instinctively placed his hand on Eddie's thigh. Eddie immediately calmed down, just like he does every time, he gave Buck a small smile before proceeding to speak.
"Uh, Chris."
"Yeah daddy?" Chris replied with a cocoa stained smile.
"Buck and I have something that we need to tell you,"
"Okay, what do you need to tell me?"
"Uh well, this is so much harder than I thought," Eddie said looking at Buck.
"It's okay Eds," Buck said with a confident smile.
"Buck and I are,"
"Uh. Yeah actually we are."
"Cool," Chris replied completely unbothered.
"You're okay with this?"
"Yeah, I am. I knew anyway. I saw you kiss Bucky goodbye when you thought I was asleep."
The couple share a laugh, before turning back to the boy in front of them.
"Do you have any questions for us, Superman?"
"Umm. How long have you been boyfriends?"
"Six months buddy."
"Okay, that's cool."
"Are you sure that you are totally fine with us being together?"
"Yeah I am totally cool with it, now can we go to the park?"
"Yeah of course we can," Eddie said with a laugh.

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