Chapter 4 - Date night

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It’d been a week since Buck and Eddie had come out to the team. They had been pulled into a tight group hug the minute their lips left each other. The team kind of already knew, they gave each other heart eyes all of the time from across the station, they were always brushing against the other, trying to maintain physical contact, always worried about each other out on calls, more worried about each other than they were about the rest of the crew that was. Hen knew first, Buck had told her that he was bisexual a week into being apart of the 118. He had hinted to her that he was in a relationship with a man when he was drunk at one of the 118 outings, when she asked him the next day, he confirmed that he was in fact in a relationship with a man named Ethan. They had split less than a week later. Hen had picked up on the way he and Eddie had been acting around each other. Their glances and touches became more and more purposeful. Her suspicions were solidified when she caught Eddie looking at Buck as if he were watching a beautiful sunrise, this was however, whilst he was only in his underwear, changing in the locker rooms. She never mentioned anything, just gave Buck a knowing look after Eddie had been shot on a call. She rested a comforting hand on his shoulder and drove him to change and collect Christopher from school, drove them both back to the hospital and stayed with them all night until Eddie was out of surgery.

It was now Monday and both Buck and Eddie have a shift. They awoke to the sound of their alarms ringing, Buck had stayed over at Eddie’s again like he had for the past week. It was becoming a part of their daily lives. Eddie rolled out of bed, nugging Buck as he did so, he strolled into the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. Buck however, had showered the night before after he finished at the gym. Once he had finally dragged himself out of bed and changed into his uniform, he padded down the corridor to wake up Christopher and then into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and make breakfast. Ten minutes later, Eddie strolled out of his bedroom and into the kitchen, hair tousled from a towel and shirt sticking to his still damp torso.
“Good morning, how are my boys today?”
“Good morning daddy,” Chris said, stuffing bacon into his cheeks, looking like a cheeky hamster.
“Good morning babe,” Buck said, leaning over to place a chaste kiss onto his boyfriend’s cheek and then placing a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of him.
“Thank you,” Eddie said, with a smile.
“No problem, help yourself to toast,” Buck said as he rounded the door frame to the kitchen to retrieve a mug of coffee for his partner.

Once breakfast was over, dishes loaded into the dishwasher and Christopher dropped to school, to be picked up by Carla at 3pm and taken to Abuela’s, Buck and Eddie headed to the station. They pulled up outside the station, like always and strolled into the station hand in hand. They received a chorus of ‘awwws’ as they walked up the stairs to the loft after unloading their bags into their lockers. The pair curtsied, mocking the rest of the team.
“Ah thank you very much,” Buck said, a giggle passing through his lips. They took a seat at the island with the rest of the team. The shift passed slower than normal, with only a few minor calls and a whole load of video games and Buck sharing random facts that he has compiled over the years.

After their shift, Eddie dropped Buck at his apartment with the reminder to be ready for 7pm. He then drove home to get showered and changed for their date. He had booked a spot at the new restaurant that had just opened up on the pier.
Eddie left his house at 6:10pm to avoid traffic. He pulled up in front of Buck’s apartment complex with 10 minutes to spare, wearing a black button down with black jeans, a look that wouldn’t normally work but he somehow pulled off. Climbing into the elevator and pushing the button for Buck’s floor.

Eddie: Hey, just jumped into the elevator, I’ll be two minutes xx
Ev (; : See you in a minute handsome. Xxx
Ev (; : Love you xxx
Eddie: love you too baby xx

As soon as the elevator stopped moving, Eddie stepped through the doors and strolled towards Buck’s apartment.
*Knock knock*
“It’s open babe!” Buck called from inside.

After a couple of minutes, Buck and Eddie stepped back into the elevator hand in hand, Buck wearing a dark red button down and a pair of navy jeans.

They arrived at the restaurant 20 minutes later as LA traffic is insane. Entering the restaurant, they followed the hostess to the table that Eddie had reserved and took their seats, Buck pulling Eddie’s out for him, earning a laugh and a shake of his head for being so cheesy.
“Ever the gentleman Mr Buckley,” He said leaning over the table to kiss his boyfriend, “I love you Evan.”
“As I love you, Edmundo,” Buck said with a hum.

After dinner, the two took a stroll along the pier, Buck flinching slightly at the sound of the waves hitting the wood.
“Hey, it’s alright. You’re safe,” Eddie said into the crook of Buck’s neck.
“I know, I’m with you,” He replied, placing a kiss into Eddie’s hair.

They settled at the edge of the pier, legs hanging over the edge watching the moon reclaim the sky as it does every night.
“Thank you, tonight was perfect,” Buck said, looking over towards Eddie.
“It’s my pleasure baby.”

They sat in silence again, completely content.

“Hey, uh, I have something to ask you Evan. And I know that we have only been together for 6 ½ months, but they have been some of the best months of my life. And I know this may be too soon and that I may be messing everything up but it just feels right. I- I-”
“Hey, take a deep breath cause you’re freaking out and to be honest, you’re freaking me out too.”
“I’m sorry. Okay let’s try this again.”
“Evan Buckley,” Eddie said, “You came into my life when everything was dark and once we got past the part where you couldn’t stand me,” He said with a giggle, “Your smile lit up my world again. The way that you are with Christopher is everything and I want you in our lives forever. I want to wake up with you in my arms every morning, go to sleep with you in my bed, our bed every night. Spend every holiday, everyday together with you, with our family, our son.”
“Eddie, I want that too,” Buck said, starting to tear up.
“Evan, will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?”
Buck’s breath hitched in his throat. The tears that were threatening to fall, began to leak out of the corners of his baby blues.
“Yes,” he said, barely above a whisper, “Yes. Of course I will marry you.”
Eddie brought a ring out from his jean pocket, slid it onto Buck’s finger and rushed to close the gap between his and his fiance’s lips.
“I love you Edmundo Diaz,” Buck said, breathlessly after pulling away.
“I love you too, Evan Buckley.”

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