Chapter five - Engagement announcement

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Buck and Eddie awoke, wrapped in bedsheets and limbs.
"So it wasn't a dream then," Buck said, with a smirk, "We're getting married," he continued, placing a kiss on Eddie's lips.
"I love you, Evan."

After a couple of hours basking in each other's love and warmth under their bedsheets, Buck and Eddie finally rolled out of bed to get cleaned and dressed. They had rang the rest of the team and Maddie last night to tell them the wonderful news, receiving a flurry of congratulations from their loved ones. But now, they had to get ready to pick up Christopher and tell him, abuela and aunt Pepa the news. Eddie had butterflies in his stomach, his nerves creeping up on him.
"Hey, everything will be alright babe," Buck comforted, walking past, placing a kiss to the back of his neck, "You'll see."

"Yeah, I'm sure it will be," Eddie mumbled, " Hey, where are you on telling your parents because I can't decide what to do. I mean they're not exactly gay friendly," Eddie questioned, a worried edge to his voice.

"Umm, I'm not sure that I will at the moment, cause my parents are similar to yours. I just want to keep the happiness bubble unpopped for as long as possible."
"Yeah, I understand that."

On the way to pick up Chris, Eddie started to feel the butterflies again. Buck noticed this and placed his hand onto Eddie's thigh with a small smile. They pulled up into Abuela's drive way a couple of minutes later. Aunt Pepa's car was also there.
"Oh great, now we have to tell them both at the same time."
"Yeah, like ripping off a bandaid."

Once out of the car, Buck began to walk up the driveway towards the front door of Abuela’s house like he’s done a thousand times before. It was only when he didn’t feel the presence of Eddie behind him that he stopped and turned 360 to see Eddie staring off into the distance halfway up the path.
“Hey, what’s going on baby?” Buck asked as he strolled back over to his fiance.
“What if they react badly? What if they’re like my parents?”
“Oh Eddie,” Buck said as he pulled Eddie into his arms, “They have already expressed that they love the idea of us together. They just want you to be happy okay. You understand that right? They love you no matter what, unconditionally?”
“I know, just my mind again I guess.”

Buck didn’t say anything, he didn’t have too. Instead, he placed a kiss on Eddie's lips whilst intertwining their fingers. He didn’t rush, didn’t try to lead the way. He let Eddie move at his own pace, he let Eddie lead the way when he was ready too.
“I love you mi cariño”
“I love you too, Eddie.”

The pair reached the porch of Abuela’s house, taking a deep breath, Eddie curled his hand into a fist and rapped it against the door.
“Hola Eddito,” Abuela said, pulling her grandson into her arms, planting a kiss to his forehead, “Evan, hi,” she again repeated what she had just done.
“Hola Abuela,, can we come? We need to speak with you.”
“Of course, is something wrong?”
“No, quite the opposite,” Eddie said whilst sharing a smile with Buck.

After the greetings had been shared all round, Eddie and Buck had found CHristopher playing in the yard. They wanted to tell him first.
“Hey Superman,” Buck exclaimed as Chris rushed into his arms.
“Hey Buck, Hey daddy.”
“Hey mijo. Can Buck and I talk to you?”

The three sat on the back steps, the couple preparing to tell this little boy that they were getting married.
“So buddy, you know that we both love you very much.”
“Yeah. Daddy, are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah bud. I’m more than okay. You know how much I love Buck right?” Chris nodded in return.
“Well we want to spend the rest of our lives together, which is why we’re getting married,” Eddie finished with a smile. Those same butterflies creeping back up, this time though it was excitement he felt.

Chris gasped and at first, Buck and Eddie were worried but almost immediately after, his megawatt smile appeared back on his face again and he embraced the couple in his little arms.
“So, I’m guessing that you’re okay with this Superman?”


“So are you guys okay with this?” Eddie asked almost apprehensively.
“Sí, of course we are. We love you Eddito, both of you and we are so happy that Evan will be an official member of our family.”

Buck and Eddie were so relieved, Eddie that some of the most important people in his life were ecstatic for him and Buck that Eddie can see that not everyone in his family is the same, that he knows unconditional love.


The couple made their way to the firehouse with their son, they may not be on shift today but the rest of the crew were.

It was time to tell them.


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