Chapter three - Buddie's out of the bag

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The sun peaked in through the curtains of Eddie's bedroom. The Rays shone directly onto Buck's golden curls, making them almost glow. Eddie stirred, waking from his sleep with his arms wrapped around his boyfriend's waist. Eddie nuzzled into Buck's neck with a smile. It was at this precise moment that his alarm decided to remind him that he had to work today. They both did.
"Urgh," Eddie groaned
"Good morning," Buck mumbled, rolling over to look at Eddie, his curls sticking in every direction, making a smirk appear on Eddie's lips.
"Come on baby, we need to put clothes on before Chris bursts in," Buck said with a chuckle.
"Oh crap, yeah we do," Eddie responded with a chuckle.

Eddie showered, cleaned his teeth and threw on his uniform whilst Buck woke up Christopher for school. Buck threw on his uniform after showering once Eddie had finished and joined Eddie and Chris in the kitchen. The three ate breakfast and laughed together, they looked just like a little family, admittedly, they are a family, they have been practically since the Diaz boys met Evan Buckley.

Buck started to clear the table, when there was a knock at the front door.
"Carla!" Chris exclaimed as he shuffled towards the front door as Eddie swung it open to reveal their beloved friend Carla.
"Hey babies," Carla rejoiced, pulling both Christopher and Eddie into a long hug.
"Good morning Carla, how are you today?"
"I'm great thank you Eddie," Carla responded as she made her way over towards the dining room table to put her bags down, "Right Master Diaz, are you ready for school?"
"Yeah I'm ready, just gotta put my shoes on and say goodbye," Christopher says as he shuffles towards the shoe rack.
Whilst Christopher was putting his shoes on, Eddie made his way into the kitchen to take his lunch box and water bottle out of the fridge, whispered in Buck's ear that he doesn't need to hide in the kitchen if he doesn't want to and then made his way back to the dining room to put Christopher's things into his school bag.

Whilst waiting for Christopher to finish with his shoes, Eddie and Carla made small talk and Buck snuck behind Carla without being seen in order to grab his and Eddie's work bags and made his way back to where everybody was standing. Buck placed Eddie's bag on the floor next to the couch, still undetected by Carla.
"Okay, I'm ready now," Christopher said with a smile as he put on his back pack.
"Alright buddy, say goodbye to daddy."
Chris made his way over towards Eddie and wrapped his tiny arms around his father's waist.
"Bye daddy, see you later, I love you."
"Bye buddy, love you too," Eddie said as he leaned down to whisper something in Christopher's ear.
"Okay," Chris whispered back with a smile, his eyes grazing over towards Buck.
"Chris, where are you going bud?" Carla quiered as Christopher made his way behind his father and wrapped his arms around Buck's waist.
"Goodbye Bucky. I love you, see you later?" Chris stated, almost questioned.
"Goodbye Superman, I love you too and yeah I'll see you later," Buck said, placing a kiss into the little Diaz's curls before smiling wide in Carla's direction.

Carla's jaw hit the floor, her finger pointing accusingly between both Eddie and Buck.
"When did this happen?" She questioned, once able to form words again.
"Six months, we were keeping it quiet, just until we knew where this, us, was going."
"Well, I'm glad the both of you finally caught on to what was happening between the both of you," She said with a giggle, "Right hugs the both of you," She said wrapping them in an embrace, " I've got to get this one to school, and you two have jobs to go to."
"See you later buddy, thank you Carla."
"No problem honey."

Once Christopher and Carla had left for school and Eddie and Buck had locked up, they climbed into Eddie's truck and set off for the fire station. They had decided to travel together as Buck was going to be spending the night again and so it was just easier this way. The boys jammed out to the radio and giggled at how bad their singing abilities are.

After 20 minutes, they pulled up into the car park of the 118. The pair had set off 10 minutes earlier than usual as traffic was bad the day before. They both like to get into work 10 minutes before they're due to start their shift. But today, they arrived 20 minutes early due to the traffic actually being smooth today.

Eddie hoped out and ran around to Buck side to open the door for him.
"Ever the gentleman," Buck said, looking around quickly to make sure that they were alone and then placing a chaste kiss on Eddie's lips.
The two walked hand in hand until they reached the doors where they instinctively unlinked their fingers and walked into the locker room to stash away their bags. They made their way up to the loft where Bobby had brewed a pot of coffee and had started scrambling eggs and cooking bacon.
"Good morning boys," Bobby said, sliding two mugs of coffee across the island towards them.
"Morning Cap," Eddie said, rather cheerily now that Buck had relinked their fingers under the counter.

After making small talk with Captain Nash for 10 minutes, Hen and Chim strolled into the loft, taking a seat next to the couple. Almost immediately, the alarm sounded and the team sprung into action. The day was filled with call after call, barely anytime to sit and talk with one another. Eddie and Buck had decided that they will tell the team later on when they are at Bobby and Athena's for a family dinner. Buck raised the idea of telling Maddie first and Eddie agreed based upon the fact that she is Buck's sister and should know first.

After their shift, Buck and Eddie headed back to the Diaz household to change and pick up Christopher who is no doubt sat watching T.V with Carla, before they head over to the Grant-Nash household for their family dinner. Eddie was wearing a white button down shirt with a light blue collar and black straight legged jeans and a pair of navy shoes. Buck was wearing a light blue button down with a white collar and a pair of deep blue, stressed jeans with a pair of black shoes that match Eddie's. Christopher was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a light green t-shirt, with a pair of black trainers.

It takes the Buckley-Diaz's 40 minutes to navigate through the busy LA afternoon traffic. All three of them sang along to Christopher's playlist, which was composed of mainly Disney songs. Eddie pulled the truck up in front of Bobby and Athena's house. Eddie switched off the engine and both he and Buck jumped out of the truck. Buck gave Christopher a hand getting out of the back seat and keeping him balanced whilst Eddie handed him his crutches. Chris walks up the path towards the front door a couple of paces in front of Buck and Eddie who were walking hand in hand.

The couple unlink their fingers as Christopher knocks on the door. They are greeted by friendly faces and catch up with Karen, Denny as well as the Grants. For dinner Bobby had made lasagne and garlic bread. After dinner was over and the table had been cleared, Chris, Denny and Harry switched on the Xbox and May caught up with Buck in the yard, sat a couple yards away from the rest of the team. Buck and May are rather close from all the time he spends with Bobby's family and they are like brother and sister at this point.

Eddie walked over behind Buck and whispered in his ear.
"Okay, now?"
"Yeah, now"
Buck rose to his feet and took Maddie aside to talk. She squealed at a pitch only dogs could hear and then pulled her baby brother into a tight embrace. The Buckley siblings made their way back outside, Buck tripping over the steps and falling into the garden furniture, catching everybody's attention.
"Well now that I have everybody's attention," he said with a chuckle, "Eddie and I have something to tell you."
Eddie made his way to stand next to Buck and slowly snaked his arm around his waist.
"We have been together for 6 months now," Eddie continued, a few gasps could be heard from the team followed by whoops and cheers.
"We didn't tell you guys sooner because we wanted to be sure that everything was going to be alright and that we weren't just a fling. But it's getting pretty serious," Buck continued, a smile starting to appear at the edges of his lips, Eddie lent in towards his boyfriend, kissing him with some much love and passion, making the team erupted into applause and cheers in front of them.

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