Xingqiu Tries Xinyan's Spicy Buffalo Wings

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"I LOVE these spicy buffalo wings!" Xinyan said as she ate a spicy buffalo wing with a smile on her face. "I would LOVE to order them as an appetizer again!"

"I'm glad you like them so much!" Xingqiu said to Xinyan.

As he saw Xinyan eat ANOTHER spicy buffalo wing, Xingqiu was thinking about trying one of Xinyan's spicy buffalo wings himself.

"Can I please try one of your spicy buffalo wings?" Xingqiu politely asked Xinyan.

"Of course you can try one!" Xinyan said as she gave Xingqiu one of her spicy buffalo wings.

Xingqiu thanked Xinyan for letting him try one of her spicy buffalo wings.

Xingqiu took a bite out of the spicy buffalo wing that Xinyan gave him. He took more and more bites out of the spicy buffalo wing, devouring it with EVERY bite he takes. Xingqiu enjoyed the spicy buffalo wing so much that he ate it until it was gone from its physical existence—and into his stomach.

"It's spicy!" Xingqiu said as he took a couple of sips of his ice-cold water to take away the spicy taste in his mouth from the spicy buffalo wing. "Despite that it's spicy, I really like the spicy buffalo wing that you gave me!"

"I'm glad you really like spicy buffalo wings!" Xinyan said with a smile on her face.

After eating the spicy buffalo wing that Xinyan gave him, Xingqiu was thinking about ordering spicy buffalo wings for his appetizer at dinner for the next day.

Xinyan continued to eat her spicy buffalo wings, and Xingqiu continued to eat his crystal shrimp platter without carrots.

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