Episode 1, (S1) Part 2

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Viren is waiting on the balcony of the kings royal chambers, Harrow slowly walks up with his bird on his arm.

"So what's so important you come into my bedroom risking your life, like this." Harrow asks while Viren continues to peer outwards.

"Assassins," Viren simply answers looking towards Harrow now.

"I see," Harrow replies.

"A scout on patrol discovered them just before dawn," Viren replies again.

"Well, don't look so grim, we've fought off plenty of assassins, haven't we Pip?" He says petting the bird.

"Where no ordinary assasins," Runaan mumbles to himself. The assasins seem to hear and nod there heads in agreement.

"It's different this time, we believe they are Moonshadow elves," Viren finishes.

"Moonshadow elves? Then how did the e scout escape?" Harrow asked puzzled.

"I wonder why," one of the other assassins said sarcastically. Some of the elves understand what he meant and silently agreed.

"I don't know, it was muddy, wet, dark. Somehow he got very lucky." Viren answered.

"Crown guard won't be enough to hold them off," Harrow replied feeding his bird.

"You sure love that bird," Amaya signed.

"Yes, I do," Harrow responded back squeezing Sarai's hand.

"Send for general Amaya and the standing battalion," Harrow said in a authoritative voice.

"The breach is too far, They will never make it back in time." Viren replied taking a breath in.

"What's tonight's moon?" Harrow asked.

"Full," Viren simply said.

Harrow laughed, "of course it is."

"Ah so the plan we set up to do did work to be on a full moon." Runaan replied.

"Indeed, it did," Ethari, his husband, agreed.

"With the Moonshadow elves at the height of their  power, no defence will stand against them." Viren said, looking at Harrow.

"Then we won't defend, we will attack!" Harrow snapped back.

"We must fing them today in the light of the sun and stop them before it's too late." Harrow said again and his bird chirped.

-next scene-

It shows Rayla running through the trees and bushes. Jumping through many obstacles.
Rayla finally stops and flips open her blades and realizes she has no proof that she got the job done. She sighs, but then sees red berries and thinks of a perfect idea.

It shows the Moonshadow elves at there camp and that Rayla had chopped up some of the berries she he found making it look like she got the job done.

"I can't believe I fell for that trick." Runaan grumbled.

"You had high expectations so you didn't think twice," Ethari said.

Rayla made it back to camp.

"Good job Rayla," The leader Runaan congratulated her.

"Yeah I used both swords." Rayla responded slightly nervous.

"I can see that," Runaan said while tossing Rayla a rag to clean her sword.

Ethari noticed while watching the show that Runaan had the necklace on that he was secretly making him for a dangerous mission .

-next scene-

It shows the baker admiring his freshly baked sweets.

"Yum," Sarai and Ezran said together simultaneously.

The humans laughed at this and the elves chose not to acknowledge it.

It know skies Ezran and Bait pop into view while in the grate. Bait made a bunch of croaks.

"Bait, shh." Ezran told the glow toad.

Exran now moved the grate and is getting ready to steal some of the jelly tarts the baker had freshly baked from the oven.

"Ezran didn't I tell you to stop stealing the bakers pastries?" Harrow said.

"How can you blame me they are so delicious!" Ezran said enthusiastically.

Harrow chuckled quietly and so did Sarai.

Part 3 will be up soon and that will be the last of episode one and I will try and put the episodes into one part instead of many!


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