Chapitre 3

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Mae: Hi, I haven't recorded anything this last week. We had to patrol a lot. A bunch of people were prowling around the farm.

Flashback (POV Michelle)

Today we had to patrol, in multiple groups of two. I'm paired with Mae this time. We are searching for one of the soldiers, Mike. He went on patrol yesterday and never came back. We found the other soldier, who was with him, dead the same day.

Mae and I were walking and talking about where he could be, when we heard a gunshot.

Mae: Get down.

We walked carefully to where the sound came from. We hear someone talk. It comes from a little cabin in the middle of a field.

Guy: Tell me where she is!

Nobody answered and then we heard him scream. It was Mike.

Mae: Come on, let's go! It's Mike.

I took her hand just as she was going to run to the cabin.

Michelle: No. We don't know how many there are in there. And they are probably watching for any of us.

Mae: He's one of us. And my friend, we have to help him.

We hear someone coming behind us, we immediately aim our rifles to the source of the sound.

Newt: Calm down. It's just us.

Abby: Was the gunshot coming from the cabin?

Mae: Yes, Mike's  in there we heard him scream.

Mae, Newt and Abby move towards the door. I have a bad feeling about this. I hope the guy in there isn't who I think it is.

Newt opened the door and we got shot immediately. Mae and I shoot some of them, while Abby and Newt are fighting two of them with knives.

End of flashback

Mae: One of us, Mike, died. They killed him and we don't know why.

Since that day Michelle has been acting a bit different. I think it's because she had never killed anybody before.

Today she's not here, she went for a walk in the field. I was like that too after I killed someone for the first time, when my parents and I got attacked.

I think I'm just going to read a book since nobody's around. Bye.

End of the recording.

Mae: Okay so a lot of things happened...  Abby and Newt fought, I Don't know why.

Then Abby came into the room crying. She cried in my arms for hours and now she's asleep in her bed. She looks so peaceful, when she's awake she seems to be the opposite. She's muscular and tall. She started to fight and to do a lot of sports after our parents died years ago. I think she wanted to be able to protect herself and I after what happened. And it definitely paid.

Flashback (POV Abby)

I just came back from patrol with Mae and Michelle, who hasn't stopped flirting in front of me. I'm sick of them being so close and I have no idea why.

I wanted to punch Michelle's smirking face the whole afternoon.

Newt: Hey babe, what's up?

Abby: Nothing.

Newt: Tell me why do you look so angry?

Abby: That's none of your business. Leave me alone.

Newt: Of course it is, I'm your boyfriend.

Abby: I just don't want to talk about it. I don't have to tell you everything.

Newt: Did you fight with Mae?

Abby: No. It's just annoying that they were flirting the whole afternoon. And in front of me.

Newt: Why is it so annoying? I mean we used to do the same.

Abby: You don't get it, leave me alone.

Newt: No, I think I got it. You're jealous.

Abby: I'm not jealous.

Newt: Yes you are. You're so mad that Michelle likes Mae, and that she probably likes her too. That's why you're always looking at Mae like that. I thought it was because you too have been through so much that you considered her as a sister. But no, I was wrong. You fucking love her!

Abby: I don't love her like that. Don't try and make assumptions about things you don't know anything about. You're so stupid.
I ran to my room, falling in Mae's arms. They are so comfy.

I'm lost. I love Newt, I mean he's my first love and my boyfriend. And he's so nice and strong.

But Mae always make me smile, and she's so beautiful too. I love her too, but what I don' know is do I love her as a friend or as a crush.

End of flashback

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