Chapter 13

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Mya's POV

"How about we watch The Office while you eat Taco Bell." I offered, she smiled and nodded.

"What are you going to eat?" She asked. "I'm not hungry." I shrugged. "But-." I cut her off knowing what she was going to say.

"No for real I'm actually not hungry I had something to eat at the party, thanks for caring though." I smiled at her.

She gave me a small smile before she took her burritos out of the bag. "I can't un-feel it." She mumbled after a while of her staring at the burritos.

"Huh?" I asked. Her eyes started to water as she looked at me. "I-I can't get the feeling of his hands off me." She said.

"Billie..." I trailed off sadly. "I'm so stupid." She said. "No your not don't say that." I reassured. "If I would've just stayed with you none of this would've happened. I'd still be a virgin." She said.

"Billie, you can still consider yourself as a virgin ok." I said softly. "Really?" She asked. "Yea of course." I smiled.

She gave me a small smile before unwrapping the burrito and starting to eat it. I turned on the office and we just sat in a comfortable silence.

I looked over at Billie and she was to into the tv to notice. I really do hope she feels ok. I know how people would feel after being raped so that's why I asked.

"Can I hug you bil?" She stopped eating and looked at me. "" She asked. I nodded. "Why did you ask of course you can." She smiled.

"Well it's mom got raped after I had turned 5, so I kind of had to ask her for permission to touch her." I said, Billie looked at me sadly.

"Oh, well yes you can hug me." She said softly. I scooted closer to her and hugged her, she was a bit tense a first but soon melted into my embrace.

"I hope everyone asks before they touch me now." She said sadly. "I'll make sure of it." I said as I pulled away.

"Do you think I'll get over it?" She asked. "Of people having to ask before they touch you?" I made sure that's what she was talking about.

"Yea..." she confirmed. "Yea overtime you will, but not fully." I said. "Sometimes my mom has her days when my dad and me has to ask to touch her." I added.

"Do you think I can do online school until I get better?" She asked. "I can ask the principal tomorrow." I said softly.

"Ok..." she whispered. "Please don't tell anyone yet, I-I wanna tell them myself." She said nervously. "Of course bil, I'll never tell your business." I said.

"Promise?" She held out her pinky. I chuckled because we used to do this as kids. "Promise." I said and linked my pinky finger with hers.

"Can we go to sleep now I'm tired." She yawned. "Of course." We got under the cover and I turned my fan on. (A/n- I'm sorry but I can't sleep unless I have a cover over me and a fan on.)

"Good night bil." I said. "Good night angel." She whispered before closing her eyes. I sighed and slowly started to drift off to sleep.

"M-Mya?" Billie whispered in my ear. "Yes bil." I said as I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "I-I had nightmare." She said. "H-he was touching me again." She said as tears rolled down her cheek.

"Hey hey hey it's ok he's not going to hurt you again I promise, it was just a dream." I reassured.

"Can we cuddle?" She sniffled. "Of course, come here." She crawled over to me and laid basically on top of me.

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