Chapter 34

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Billie's POV

Time skip 4 years later

Today is the day I'm going to marry Mya. I can't wait and I'm so excited. My mom is so proud of me. The only thing I'm mad at is that I can't see Mya until the weddig which is like in a couple of hours. 

"Drew I'm so nervous." I said as my hands were shaking. "Trust me she is too." Drew chuckled. I proposed to Mya like a few weeks ago. I remember that moment liek it was yesterday.


I woke up to Mya sleeping peacefully next to me in our own house. I admired her for a few minutes before I decided that staring at a person while they're sleep is kind of creepy. I got up carefully and quietly and went to the bathroom to call Fin.

Today was the day I was going to propose to Mya. I really do hope she says yes or else my brother did all this hard work for nothing. "Hey bil wasup." I heard fin say. "Oh uh is everything ready you know with the ring and stuff." I whispered.

"Oh yea me and Claudia just have to pick up the rings and then your all set." He said and I can practically hear him smiling. "You know fin one day I'll be doing the same thing for you and claudia." I heard him laugh.

"Very soon billie." He said. "Alright we're finna head out, see you there bil." He said. "Bye." I said and hung up. I sighed and did my morning routine before going to wake up Mya. "Baby wake up." I whispered.

"Huh?" She mumbled. "It's time to get up we got a big day ahead of us." I said softly as I ran my fingers through her hair. "And put on something nice because we're going out to eat." I said.

"Ok." She mumbled before rolling out of bed and getting an outfit. She went to the bathroom and came out an hour later. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Yea." She smiled.

I grabbed my keys and we headed out. 


We made it to the restaurant a few minutes ago and we've been talking about any and everything while we're waiting for our food. "I can't believe we actually brought a house together." She said.

"I mean we did kind of made a promise when we were little." I said as I shrugged. "You're right." She chuckled. "Here you ladies go." The waitress said. We both thanked him and he smiled and walked away.

We began eating and starting small talk here and there. "What else are we doing today?" Mya asked. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." I said and chuckled as she groaned. "Billie you've been doing this for 4 years, it's getting tiring." She said.

"Well get used to it babe because I'm going to be doing it for a very long time." I said kind of giving her a hint. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "Oh nothing." I smirked. "Ugh." She groaned.

"I hate you sometimes." She said. "You love me all the time." I said cockily. "Yea you're right." She said.


We left the restaurant like an hour ago. We just got finished watching this movie called Halloween kills. "Now where are we going?" She asked. "Do you really want me to answer that?" I asked her.

"Know what neverminded." She chuckled. I grabbed her hand and opened the car door for her. She got in and I jogged to my side and began to drive to the amusement park. My plan is to get her tired and take her to this little spot on top of a hill and then propose.

"Wow." She said amazed by all the rides. "Ready?" I asked. "Uh hell yea what kind of question is that." She said as she quickly got out of the car. I swear she's 21 but acts like she stills 17. I chuckled and got out of the car.

We went in and I brought us some tickets and we started getting on a lot of rides. "Billie I don't know about this one." She said. "Cmon it'll be fun, you know I got you." I said. "Alright." She sighed. 

We got on and she screamed and held on  to me for dear life throughout the whole ride. "Baby calm down it's just a ride." I laughed. "No I'm never getting on that stupid ass ride again." She mumbled. 

I laughed. We got on a few more rides ate funnel cake and cotton candy. "Baby I'm getting a bit tired can we go now." She said. "Yea of course, we just gotta make one more pit stop." She nodded and we walked to the car.


We made it to the hill and I texted finn to make sure everything was ready. Once he sent me a confirmation I got out of the car and went to open Mya's door. I grabbed her hand and walked up the hill with her.

Once she saw the setting her eyes lit up. "MY 5th birthday." She chuckled. Her 5th birthday was a disaster so I begged my mom to take us to this little thing. It was pretty so I thought I might recreate it.

"You like?" I asked. She walked towards it and I followed her. "I love it, I love you." I said.  I quickly grabbed the ring from finn secretly. I got on one knee and opened the box. "Mya." I said seriously.

She turned around and her hands flew to her mouth as her eyes watered. "Mya you have made me the happiest human being I've ever been. I love you so much and our relationship as been great. Yeah we had our ups and downs but all relationships have them. I hope we can continue to make mistakes and learn from them and I hope we could continue to make great memories. So will you make me the happiest women on earth and marry me?" I asked nervously.

Tears slipped out of her eyes. "Y-yes YES." She said a she jumped up and down. I slid the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately. Everyone started clapping and I pulled away and smiled. "You guys were in on it." She asked? Everyone nodded and she hugged me. 

"I love you so much." She whispered.

"I love you too."

flashback over

"Billie cmon it's time." Drew said. "Right sorry." I said and quickly grabbed my dads arm. He walked me down the aisle. I stood there and the music started to play after a while. I looked towards the door and smiled. 

My manager daughter was throwing the flowers on the ground as Mya and her dad walked down the aisle. A few tears slipped when she stood in front of me. "You look so beautiful." I whispered. "You too." She smiled.


"You may now kiss the bride." The priest announced. i wasted no time and kissed her. "Cmon." I said we started running to the limo and laughed the whole way.

"I love you so much and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us." I said. She kissed me and the driver pulled off.


A/n- The end. Sorry I had to end it. In the previous message I said this was going to be short welp I lied sorry. Um I didn't know I was going to write this much so uh enjoy. I really hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did. I will put out another book tomorrow and hopefully I have a lot of ideas for it. I try to switch it up because I don't want my stories to be the same and I think that's why I keep running out of ideas. But I love you guys, stay safe and thank you for reading this amazing book that I wrote. LOVE YOU.!

1304 words

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